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Chapter Two - A Few Hours Later
I gasped in agony as my eyes slowly opened and pain raged through my head.

"What the fu…" I trailed off and looked around.

I squinted because it hurt my head to concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds. I tried to move, but when I looked down, I realised I was tied to the chair.

"Ahh shit man!" I said as a tear rolled down my face in frustration.

What the hell was going on here? I was in a small cabin maybe, and it was completely bare besides a table and another wooden chair. There was a sink and a moth-eaten couch, but, besides that, it was completely empty. I heard a flush of a toilet and fear surged through my body as I heard footsteps behind me. My heart skipped a beat as he said my name.

"Zac…seems you've awoken"

"What do you want, why are you doing this?" I asked straight off and his features hardened.

"OK, you wanna know the real story, I'll tell you the real story and why I have to do this" I sighed in relief, I REALLY wanted to know why he was doing this! He was an total, utter lunatic, and I wanted to know his reason for being such a flip. He pulled the chair up and sat on it, swinging the gun around on his index finger. What he was doing was scaring the absolute piss out of me, but I thought I was better off keeping my mouth shut. He must've seen the fear written on my face because he chuckled.

"Don't worry Zac, the safety's on" I sighed in relief as I felt the colour return to my face and I relaxed a bit. But, you never do know, he could be lying…

"Now Zac, you wanted to know the story right?"I nodded slightly, it hurt when I talked or made any big movements.

"OK then Zac, here's the deal…" I stayed silent as he shifted around on his seat.

"I have a daughter Zac, and her name is Lacey. She had her 15th birthday a few days after you had yours. She is a beautiful girl, she has long brown hair, and big green eyes, and she's tall, and she is just absolutely gorgeous…"I listened to him go on about his daughter when I caught on.

I get it. His daughter was so infactuated with us, he was kidnapping me so she could have me. So THAT was it…psycho...
I kept my mouth shut and listened to him describe his daughter, she actually sounded pretty hot! I then got a huge shock when he told me the next part of his story.

"But you see Zac, Lacey is different from other girls. You see, Lacey is dead Zac, and do you know what? She killed herself Zac, and do you wanna know why? Do you want to know WHY she killed herself Zac?"

I let it all sink in. So I was wrong…I slowly shook my head.

"She killed herself, over you, YOU Zac, MY Lacey, killed herself, over you. YOU! And do you know WHY??? Because YOU let some little hacker get into your site, and say all that absolute HORSESHIT about you being dead. My Lacey loved you, she told me every day, and the day she found out you'd died, she ran from the house, she went to the cliffside near the beach, and killed herself"

My eyes widened and I felt the colour run from my face once again. I couldn't believe it. So SHE was the one who had killed herself over me. I looked up at him and he was staring at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry, if I could've done anything, I would've, but I couldn't. We got it fixed up, and we made all kinds of statements, we did as much as we could"

"But Zac, you weren't quick enough, and Lacey went, and she killed herself"

"I KNOW! You keep reminding me! Do you know how it feels to find out someone killed themselves over you??? No, of course you wouldn't! Well I do, and I've had to be taking all kinds of anti-depressants these couple of weeks because of it, I couldn't help it! We took down the site, we've been going to all corners of the world to get it sorted out, and I'm sorry about Lacey, I didn't mean for it to happen! We did everything we could!" I cried and my head pounded as I finished.

My chest heaved as my breathe came in short gasps. His eyebrows creased and I saw his features get more and more angry. I felt my sick to the stomach. This guy was insane, and he was blaming me for everything. He slowly stood up and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry Zac, but it's all your fault, and now you're going to have to pay for it" Tears streamed down my face as he pulled the gun out from his belt.

"It's not my fault, I didn't mean for it to happen!"I screamed and his eyes were those of a mad man.

"It's all your fault Zac, it's all…your…fault" he punctuated each word with the a poke into my chest with the pistol.

"It's not! I'm sorry OK? I'M SORRY!" I screamed in terror as the tears flowed freely down my face.

"It's too late for sorry now Zac, it's too late. And now you have to pay. It's all your fault Lacey is dead, it's all your fault. It's not mine, or anyone else's, it's all YOUR fault Zac!"

he screamed into my face and I hung my head and sobbed. How could he blame all this on me? I couldn't help what had happened.

"It's all your fault Zac, it's all your fault" he kept repeating it over and over to me, causing more and more tears to fall.

"And now Zac, you're going to have to pay for my daughter's death, because, it IS all your fault"

He raised the gun and pointed it at me from point blank range. My stomach was like a washing machine and I couldn't stop sobbing. I'd never been more scared in my life, I couldn't even breathe properly, it was coming out in short rasps.

"Say goodbye Zac, because it's all your fault" I shook my head but couldn't speak, the tears over took everything.

"It's all your fault Zac…IT'S ALL…YOUR…FAULT!!!" I heard him scream, and a loud, loud bang. Then, in an MMMBop... I was gone.

Chapter One
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