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The sequel is set 6 months after the first story ended, and Tay and Tally have split up. There are a lot of chapters, as you can see, but, they aren't very long at all. Most of them will only take about a minute to read, so hopefully it doesn't bore you too quickly :)
I've been trying out this new writing style too, so, if itz weird, sorry.
I wrote this from all different people's points of view, so, itz a bit different to the other stories.

  • Chapter One
  • Chapter Two
  • Chapter Three
  • Chapter Four
  • Chapter Five
  • Chapter Six
  • Chapter Seven
  • Chapter Eight
  • Chapter Nine
  • Chapter Ten
  • Chapter Eleven
  • Chapter Twelve
  • Chapter Thirteen
  • Chapter Fourteen
  • Chapter Fifteen
  • Chapter Sixteen
  • Chapter Seventeen
  • Chapter Eighteen
  • Characters

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