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Chapter Three - Same Time, Chasity

"So…they decide to arrive" I rolled my eyes at Matt and Josh as Tameka and I stepped out of the car.

"Shut your face and get me a drink" I ordered and they snickered.

"Nice to see you too Chas, perky as ever I see" Josh answered and he went over to see Tam. This left me and Matt.

"Hey Chas… can you do me a favour?"

"Depends on what it is"

"I just want you to meet someone, he's kinda out of place, and, yeah…"

"Whatever, let's just make it quick, I'm here to get pissed and find a guy, nothing else"

"I know, well, this guy, he's pretty popular" I gulped. I had a pretty good idea who he was talking about.

"And if it's that Hanson faggott, I'm going to seriously kill you. And I mean, literally. I'm going to take you out back, and repeatedly stab you with a knife so you are no longer classified as a live being" He stopped.

"Aww, come on Chas, he won't do anything, he's not into all that christian crap I know you're fully against. The media make him out to be a lot different than he really is, so, just, come on"

"2 seconds. Hi and goodbye"

"Fine, just, don't be a bitch to him, or else I ain't gonna set you up with no-one like I usually do, k?"


We made our way through the crowd and Matt dragged me into the kitchen. There, sat Isaac Hanson. He was pretty damn fine in real life… Hang on! I ain't into this gay Hanson shit, forget him Chasity. He ain't good… A frown set on my face as a sign of my determination and Isaac looked up.

"Ike, I want ya to meet someone. Ike, this is Chasity, Chas, this is Ike"

"Obviously" I answered as he smiled at me.

"Hey Chasity"

"Call me Chas" He has really nice eyes… CHAS! Stop it girl.

"Chas, keep Ike company for a sec, I just need to do some stuff"

I turned around and stared straight at him. Now, if looks could kill… Matt would be dead on the floor by now. He gave me a pleading look then spun on his heels and sped out of the room.

"So, Chas, know where I can get one of those?" Isaac said, pointing to the can of scotch in my hand.

"Oh, yeah, sure, we brought a six pack of cans of them, so, I'll go grab one off Tameka for ya"

"Oh, it's OK, I'll just have a beer"

"No, it's fine, I'll get one"

I said, flashing him one of my prize winning smiles. Tam said I could kill a guy with my smile… I left him sitting on the bench exactly how I found him and entered the lounge room. I couldn't believe I was even TALKING to him, let alone FLIRTING. I was so hopeless. But, I suppose he wasn't THAT bad. I mean, he drank, he seemed nice enough, it was just… his music. I found Tameka and Josh who were already all over each other on the couch.

"Tam, where'd you put the six pack?"

"Huh? Oh, I dunno…"

"Don't be an ass, just tell me"

"Uhh, in the car"

"TAM! I told you to bring them INSIDE"

"Settle Chas, can't you tell I'm busy?"

"Well, I just wanna get someone a drink, and I wouldn't mind knowing where they are"

"Yeah, I didn't bring them in, they're still in the trunk of the car"

"K, fine"

Then her and Josh launched back at it. I rolled my eyes then made my way through the crowd and went outside. After locating the car, I opened the trunk, and grabbed the six pack of scotch out. Then I made my way inside and headed back towards the kitchen.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4