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Chapter Four - Chasity

"So Isaac, how's life treating ya?"

"Umm, yeah, pretty ok I guess, besides the constant travel, it's treating me pretty good"

"Yeah, travelling ALL the time would be a pain in the ass... I didn't think you were big on the party scene, especially with us. I mean, I thought you were a good little christian boy…"

"Yeah, well, there's a lot you don't know about me…"

"Oh yeah? I wouldn't mind finding out though… wanna go for a walk?"

Did those words just come out of my mouth? CHASITY! I almost giggled at myself. You go girl. Hehehe. Then the realisation hit me, I liked Isaac Hanson.


Oh wow. Did she just say that?

"A walk? Yeah, sounds great, I'll grab some drinks for the way"

"Cool, I need to get some stuff too, I'll be back in a sec"

"K, cool"

I watched as she made her way out to the living room and I went over to the fridge and started rummaging through for something good to take with us. I grabbed Chasity's six pack, and a six pack of beer, then shoved them in my jacket, and sat on the bench to wait. I didn’t have to wait long before she emerged again and waved me over. I followed her through the room and we were stopped a couple of times, then, after a few more minutes, we left the house and started off down the street.

Chapter 3
Chapter 5