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Chapter Five - An Hour Later - Chasity

Ike and I were swinging on the swings in the park, and by now, both him and I were pretty much plastered. We'd gone through the six pack of scotch, and half the beers, and I was about to bring out my plan of attack. Ike was swinging slowly on the swing, singing some nonsense song. He had taken the grog hard, getting wasted pretty quickly. Me on the other hand, was used to it, I couldn't get pissed very easily. I knew what I was doing…
I walked over to a grass patch next to the swings. I opened my jacket pocket, and pulled out the small baggie and gold pipe. I fished into my other pocket for a lighter and began packing the pipe. Ike looked up confused.

"Whatcha doooooing Chas?" he slurred.

"Just havin some fun Ikey" I said back and he smiled.


"Come over here" I ordered and he got off the swing and came and sat next to me. After packing the pipe, I lit it up and took a toke.

"Here" I said and I went to passed the pipe to him.

"Oh, uhh, nah, I don't think I should Chas…"

"Ikey, you're such a pain in the ass, just take some, it won't kill you or anything" I said, grinning at him. He smiled.

"I suppose not"

he said, a goofy grin on his face and he took the pipe from my grasp. He lit it up and I watched as he took drag after drag.

"Wow Ikey, you're a natural" I told him and he giggled.


I shook my head at him. He was way cute. I took the pipe off his hands and started using it myself. Isaac Hanson wasn't half as bad as all my friends made him out to be…

Chapter 4
Chapter 6