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Chapter Six - 3 Weeks Later - Taylor

Ike had just stumbled out of the bathroom and he stopped still.

"What the fuck are you lookin at Tay?" he snarled and I narrowed my eyes.

"Nothing, don't be so paranoid Ike" I answered, and the look on his face scared me.

"Whose says I'm paranoid, stop looking at me, and treating me like a god damn jerk, you think you know everything…"

I took a deep breath, I'd had enough of this.

"Ike, don't bother even denying it. We all know what's up. You say you need time out when all you're doing is sneaking off with that goth bitch to smoke your dope, that's exactly what you just did in the bathroom, we all know about it Ike"

I spat back and before I knew it, he had me backed up in the corner and was holding my throat.

"Don't you DARE call her a bitch Taylor, you don't even KNOW her, and as for you knowing what I get up to, you can keep the fuck OUTTA my face"

he screamed and he stormed from the room. I stood in shock. Ike had never EVER done anything like that to any of us… not ever. I was rubbing my throat as Zac came walking into the room, a frown on his face.

"What was that? Ike came through the lounge and told me to go to hell, and then he left" he told me.

"He's just come outta the bathroom, those people he's been hanging with have got him hooked…"

"Hooked? Whaddya mean hooked? On drugs?"

"On drugs"

"Oh, shit, I thought that had something to do with it… what are we gonna do Tay? We can't go on tour like this, and we're due to leave in 10 days, what should we do?"

"Zac, I seriously don't know man" I said and he flopped on the bed.

"This sucks" "I know Zac, I know…"

I stood up and walked over to the window. I saw Ike staggering down the road towards the park. I always saw him there with that chick from the party. I'd picked him up from that party and he was all over her. For the next 4 nights in a row, he'd been back at Matt's house for a party with all the dropkicks, each time I would have to go and pick him up, stoned and drunk off his face. Mom and Dad had noticed a slight difference, but they blamed it on all the stress pills we took. I sighed and flopped onto my own bed. This really DID sucked.

Chapter 5
Chapter 7