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Chapter Seven - Isaac

I stumbled down the road, in my own little world when I saw a tall, slender figure approaching me.

"Hey Ike" she called and I shook my head to try and rid the cobwebs that had formed.

"Hope?" I asked and she nodded.

"Hey, I was just coming to talk to you, I've been doing some thinking, and, well, can we go to the park and talk?"

"Uhh, I'm going there to meet someone actually"

"Oh, well, umm, maybe we can talk later then"

"Yeah, maybe" "Well, actually, I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for not believing you, because I know you'd never do anything like that to me, and, well, I was wondering if you'll give me another chance, I really wanna give this another go"

"What?" I asked, confused. What the hell was she TALKING about?

"I want you to give me another chance. I really care for you Ike, and I don't want anything to get between us again, I'm sorry Ok?"

"Hope, go to hell, if I wanted to give you another chance, I would've, but, I haven't, so get fucked OK?"

I told her simply, then I walked off down the road, leaving her shocked and sorry on the side of the road.

Chapter 6
Chapter 8