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Chapter One - Taylor Laurel
"Taylor! Jack's here!" I heard mom calling me from downstairs, so I hurriedly grabbed my jacket and scooted out the door.

Jack was my newfound boyfriend and man, was he a dish. Tay Hanson and I had broken up not long ago due to lots of things. He was too busy for one, and, I don't know, he just, got on my nerves. He could be so pig-headed! But, we were still friends, and I was eternally thankful for everything he had done for me. My REAL Dad had tried to escape from prison and after a series of events, which I hated talking about, he'd been declared…insane. He'd come after me, with a vengeance. He'd been caught and dragged back to the institution. He blamed me for everything. A tear stung my eye as I thought about it, but I hastily wiped it away as I thought how much I hated him.
After giving myself the once over in the mirror, I rushed out of my room and down the stairs where Jack greeted me with a kiss. "You look nice" he commented as we farewelled my mom and scooted out the door.

Mom and dad were a bit wary about me seeing Jack, because, he was almost 18. Tay was 17 as well, but, they didn't like the fact that Jack wasn't the nicest guy around. He was a bit of a chauvenistic pig, and they thought he would take advantage of me...he had a reputation for doing so...
That didn't bother me, and I leaned over and kissed Jack on the cheek as we sped towards the mall in his overly expensive, but

Chapter 2