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Chapter Two - Taylor Hanson, LA
"Tay! Get it right just ONCE today would ya?" I slammed my fist on the keyboard and stormed from the room.

"Was it something I said?" I heard Zac's confused voice as I slammed the door.

This was so damn frustrating. We'd been on tour for almost a month and everything was so stressful! And to make things worse, I'd called Tally to see how she was getting on, and she'd told me she had a new boyfriend. It had almost broken my heart. I hadn't WANTED to break up, but I couldn't just leave her there for 5 and a half months while we toured. The thing that pissed me off was the fact that she BOASTED to me all about Jack. He was almost 18, he drove a kickass car and he was an absolute "hottie". I hated him already. My thoughts were interrupted by the door being opened and Ike waltzing in.

"What's up Tay? You haven't been yourself all day. You have to come back, we need practice, we've got a performance tonight"

"Gee Ike, do we really? Shit, I'm gonna have to keep little notes stuck to my forehead to remember, thanks for reminding me" I snapped back sarcastically, and he sighed.

"Fine, I'm only trying to help, just come back soon, me and Zac can’t practice without you"

"Whatever, I'll be out later"

"OK, but Dad won't be too happy if you just sit in here sulking for the rest of the afternoon" and with that, he stood up and left.

I buried my head in my hands. What WAS the matter with me? I knew it was Tally, but...I don't know! It was EVERYTHING. I was scared out of my mind of ever being hurt again, and all these girls, they were so…annoying. Ever since the accident, I'd been treated like a child. Everyone walked on eggshells around me afraid I'd snap or something. And it was getting on my nerves. I sighed again. This sucked.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1