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Chapter Fifteen - Clarke Laurel
I was shutting my eyes for just a moment when I heard the click of the front door. I slowly sat up to save the rustling of the bushes and peered out. Jackpot.

"I…am a rad-man" I told myself, smiling as I watched Taylor sit down on the porch steps. I wondered what she was doing? I was about to step out and grab her when I heard some footsteps coming along the path near the house. The gate to their garden opened and in stepped that Hanson girl. I had to laugh. Why would MY Taylor want to date THAT…thing? IT was such a…girl! I pitied his parents. I watched him walk up the path and Taylor jumped up and embraced him.

"Woah, its a bit early babe"

"Is not" she had answered and I watched while she kissed him.

I gagged, almost throwing up. How pathetic. But this was my chance. I grabbed the gun from my belt and stood up.
Then before they knew what was going across, I was charging towards them. Tally looked up and let loose a scream, which made her boyfriend spin around and face me. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

"DAD! NO!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You little bitch, I can't believe you thought you'd get away with it! You either shut your face, or pretty boy here gets it. And I mean it. I can see the headlines now. "Psycho father kills pop star…" Haha, whatta joke, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself, would you Taylor?" I questioned her and tears were streaming down her face.

Before she could answer, the front door was pulled open.

"YOU! Let go of him!" a cop screamed.

I pulled the gun from behind my back and pointed it at his head. Taylor let out a scream.

"Taylor, shutup" I spat at her.

She shrunk back. I felt the boy freeze in fear. The cops were all holding guns to me.

"Drop you're fucking guns, or pop star boy here gets it" I was doing a pretty good job at hiding how scared I was.

The cops stood their ground.

"Mr Laurel, please, we can come to an agreement, now let the boy go" One said and I laughed.

"Don't think I won't do it, because I will"

"We'll lower our guns, but, please, what do you want?"

"I want my daughter" I said as I watched them put their guns to the ground.

"Why do you want her Clarke?" the policeman asked

"I just do, so give her up motherfuckers" I looked towards Taylor and she'd gone an odd shade of white.

"Shit" she whispered, her brow creased and she was thinking hard.

"Fine, just let him go" she said firmly, nodding towards Taylor.

I was surprised. I shoved Taylor away and took aim.

"You're going to get it now" I said and I pointed my gun at her head, gasps erupted from everywhere around me.

No-one actually thought I would actually shoot her, haha, I sure had them fooled!

I released the safety, took proper aim, and was about to pull the trigger when I saw a policeman dive to the ground, then I heard a bang. And the world went black

Chapter 16
Chapter 14