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Chapter Sixteen - Taylor Laurel
"OOOHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYY GGGOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD!!!!" I screamed at the top of the lungs and collapsed onto my dad. He was dead.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

I'd said it a million times, but no matter what he'd ever done, he was still my Dad.

"B..but, he, he was going to sh..shoot her!" the young policeman stuttered.

I looked up at him with cold eyes.

"Just leave me alone" And I turned my head slowly and told them all. "Leave, me, alone. Every, single, ONE OF YOU!" I screamed and they turned away, Tay had tears streaming down his face, he wanted to help me but he couldn't.

The young policemen came over to me.

"We're sorry, but, we're going to have to call an ambulance"

"Just leave me alone"

"I said I was sorry, he was going to kill you! It was either him or you"

"I SAID I DON'T CARE!" I replied, screaming hysterically.

It was so true though, why would he let Dad kill me when he had a chance to stop it from happening? It WAS either me or Dad. A normal teenage girl or a middle aged psychopath.
I broke down again as I saw one turn and follow Chris and Fran back inside. Taylor was on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest, his eyes were wide, and his almost pure white face was tear streaked. A policeman picked me off of my father and started to walk me inside, leaving Tay in the hands of paramedics that had arrived at our house, along with 3 or 4 more police cars.

I watched as they loaded him in. The policeman sat me on the couch next to Fran and she hugged me. I started to bawl. And then, I just got hysterical. I screamed and cried into her shoulder, and all she could do was stroke my hair and tell me everything was going to be ok. I didn't even know what had happened to Tay. Everything that had happened over the past few days was coming back to me now. It was all slamming onto me like a ton of bricks. The world was all hazy, everything was one big blur...I tried concentrating on Fran, but it gave me a bigger headache. I started tipping sideways, then I saw a bunch of paramedics charging at me, and I blacked out.

Chapter 17
Chapter 15