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Chapter Seventeen - Taylor Laurel
I opened my eyes and found myself in a strangely familiar environment.

"What the hell am I doing at the hospital?" I rasped and I heard footsteps.

All of a sudden, there stood Fran, Chris and Tay.

"Tay!" I exclaimed and I pulled him into a hug.

"Tally…" he started and I pulled away.

"Umm, do you remember what happened?"

"No, not clearly"

"Oh, uhh, ok then, I'm gonna go for a minute, be back later" he replied and I frowned as he left the room.

"What's his problem?"

"He wants us to tell you alone"

"Huh? Tell me what, I remember everything, just not...clearly?" I replied ad they glanced at each other before looking at the floor

"Taylor, you're Dad died at the scene, we're so sorry"

"Oh, umm, I…I know…" my voice trailed off as I thought of the previous day.

"But, why am I in here?" I asked, looking up.

I could feel my eyes filling with tears.

"You, had a breakdown Taylor, we couldn't wake you up" Fran said sadly and I nodded.

"OK" I rolled over.

"Is that all sweetie? OK?"

"Yep" I could hear them sighing.

They expected me to be all stupid over it. I hadn't known them for that long, but I knew them pretty damn well for the time we HAD known each other.

"It's a big deal for someone your age Taylor"

"I know" I replied simply and they sighed again

"Fine, we'll let you get some rest sweetie" I didn't answer.

All I did, was shut my eyes, and tried to block out the rest of the world.

Chapter 18
Chapter 15