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Chapter Eighteen - 3 Months Later
Dad's funeral had come and gone. It was just a simple service in the cemetery gardens with me, Tay, Fran and Chris. No-one else. I hadn't wanted anyone else. I hadn't even cried. It was over in 10 minutes, and as soon as the men started lowering him into the ground, I'd spun on my heels and left. I'd waited in the car for the rest of them. I'd even had the guts to visit my mother's grave. Now THAT had sucked. I'd cried over that. But, I'd cleaned myself up so I wouldn't cry at Dad's funeral. Over those few day's in hospital, I'd done a lot of thinking. They were all right. He was a psychotic bastard who had tried to kill me. He didn't deserve everything I was giving him. I shouldn’t mourn over such an asshole.

After the funeral, everything had gone as much back to normal as was possible, and we'd gone on living our lives. I'd blown at Tay on one occasion and we'd had a break for about a fortnight, but, we'd gotten back together. Everything was going fine and dandy. Well, it wasn't, but, it was going as well as possible. I sat on my balcony chair and stared onto the street. I thought about the past, with my real parents. It used to be so cool. Fran and Chris were great, but they could never replace what I'd had with my real mom and dad. I missed mom. I let a tear loose as I continued to think. Life was going great, like I said, but, sometimes I still have to ask myself…"Why Me?"

Chapter 17
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