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Chapter Three - Taylor Laurel
"Turn the radio up" Jack said and I reached over and did as I was told.

"And that was the Number One song for this week, the newest hit for the Hanson trio, Smile" I sighed dreamily as I thought of Tay.

"I can't believe you ever went out with him, he has got to be the biggest chick, didn't you feel like a lesbian or something?" he asked, laughing at himself

"Umm, no way. You know everything he did for me, you can't say that Jack"

"I just did" Jack said and he sniggered.

I sighed and looked out the window. Sometimes he could be so heartless.

"And that's our countdown for this week, keep listening for today's news"

"Bor-ing, change it"

"I like the news"

"Yeah, but you're a freak"

"Just lemme listen ok?" I said firmly

"Fine" and with that he sighed.

"In today's news, a patient at the local mental institution has escaped. Clarke Laurel was sentenced to 7 year's prison on account to 4 different charges, but was moved to the mental institution and declared insane 4 months ago. He has been declared extremely dangerous, maybe even armed. Stay tuned for more news…"

Jack was half hanging out the window staring at some bimbos in bikini's and hadn't even heard the news. I started breathing heavily, almost hyperventilating, then it hit,

"NOOOOOOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs and Jack screeched to a stop.

"Taylor! What the fu…"

"Jack! Drive me home! NOW!" I screamed and he shook his head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" he asked in bewilderment.

"NOW! I need to get home!"

"Taylor! Tell me what the hell is wrong!" I slowly turned to him.

"TURN THE FUCKING CAR AROUND AND TAKE ME HOME!!!" I screamed and he went white.

He started the car back up and turned around.

"MOVE IT!" I screamed and he shook his head.

"What the fuck is your problem, man?" he cried and I just looked at him.

I can't believe he hadn't heard. He was such a asshole sometimes. In 5 minutes we were home and I ran inside. Jack had started to get out but I'd stopped him. He'd shook his head, then sped off down the road. I scooted inside and frantically tried to find mom.

"MOM" I yelled and she shot out from the den.

"Taylor, what is it?" "Dad! He's escaped from the institution! He's going to come and get me mom! He's coming back to get me!" I cried frantically and I watched her face go from flushed pink to chalk white.

"Oh my god, Taylor! How did you find out?!?"

"It was on the radio!" "Oh my god! We've gotta get onto Chris!" she cried and she ran into the kitchen to get the phone.

This was too much. Dad was out to get me again. He was going to get me! I started to cry.

"Mom, I'm going up to my room for a while"

"Taylor, I'm so sorry, are you sure you're alright?"

"I'll be fine, I just wanna be by myself for a little while" I told her and she nodded sadly then I turned and wandered up the stairs.
I locked my door and flopped onto the bed.

"Man, it's so hot" I said to myself.

I got up and opened the balcony door. I looked up the road and caught a glimpse of the Hanson house. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed my Tay. Sure, he could be a tad up himself, but hey who isn't? The fact was, he didn't like me like that anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have broken up with me. He WAS too busy, but I could live without him for 5 and a half months. It's not like I'd DIE or anything. I sighed then after making sure the balcony door was wide open, I collapsed on my bed, and I hadn't realised how tired I was until I started to relax. Then, before I knew it, I was asleep.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2