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Chapter Four - 6 Hours Later
I awoke and found myself in complete darkness. "Shit, it sure did get dark quick" I said to myself and I tried to sit up.

"What the fu…" I stated as I found my hands were somehow TIED together.

"Oh wow, this is one mother bitch of a nightmare" I said and I laughed.

"I don't think this is the funniest of situations" I heard a voice rasp.

"Umm…shit?" I said uncertainly and the voice chuckled.

"Taylor, what did I say about minding your language, you know your mother wouldn't approve"

"Oh… my god" I whispered as the light flickered on.

"What the hell do you think you're doing leaving your balcony door open, you know that isn't safe. Anyone get in Taylor"

"I fell asleep…"

"Shutup and let me talk"

"You've been drinking again haven't you?" My question was answered with a slap across the face.

"I TOLD you to let me talk!" he yelled and I shrank back on the bed.

I had NO idea where I was, all I knew was that I had been taken from my home by my dad, and he was going to hurt me…again.

"Now, I've been planning this for a long time Taylor my dear, and you just leaving your door open for me made it so easy. The breaking and entering no longer applied. So thank yourself for this. You see, ever since your mother died, I was left with you, and to tell you the truth, I didn't WANT to be left with you. You know Taylor, you were an ACCIDENT, get that, an ACCIDENT. Meaning, me and your mother didn't WANT you. But, we had to have you, I was forced to love you, even as much as I didn't, I couldn't exactly tell you I didn't, your mother made me. Now, for years you burdened me, just with your presence, and you wanna know something else? You pissed me off! I mean, you really, really pissed me off." Tears were streaming down my face.

They didn't want me? My own father, just told me he didn't love me, and that he never had.

"And THEN, I got sent to jail because of you, and NOW they think I'm insane. HA! I'm not insane!" he cried and he let loose a wild screech followed by an evil cackle.

"To tell you the truth, I would just love to get rid of you right now, but, I can't do that, so, you're going to come on a little holiday with me, would you like that Taylor? Because bad luck if you don't, you're coming with me girl" I shook my head.

"Yes. Not no, yes" he told me, an evil grin on his face.

He pulled out a knife and my heart leapt to my throat and I let out a small gasp.

"It's ok Taylor, I said I wasn't going to dispose of you yet, I'm just going to cut the ropes" he explained and I let my breath out in one big whoosh.

He pulled me from the bed and stood me up. "Now, let's go" he said simply, grabbing my wrist and leading me from the room.

I looked at my surroundings and we were in some sort of flat or maybe even a house. When we were outside, I realized we were at the abandoned block of flats not too far from my house, and it was still daylight outside.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked and he laughed.

"I'm not that stupid Taylor, I'm not going to tell you that!" He led me to a small red car and opened the back door.

"Get in" he ordered.

I obeyed and he slammed the door after me. The glowing clock on the dashboard read 7:36pm. Chris and Fran would be hysterical by now. Dad got in and gunned the engine.

"Say goodbye to Tulsa" he told me as I looked out the window.

I tried to open the door but they were childlocked. We sped off, leaving skid marks on the road. This was when I figured. He wasn't drunk, just insane. Plain, flat out insane. Just like the doctor's had said. Of course I hadn't believed it, I mean, he was my Dad. It isn't everyday your Dad is declared insane. I watched the scenery carefully until we suddenly pulled to a stop at the side of the road.

"What was I thinking, you're a smart little bitch, you'll get away and call someone, so, I have no choice..." he told me, a murderous gleam is his eye.

"No, don't, you know I won't tell anyone!" I pleaded and his smile turned to a frown.

"DON'T fuck around with me Taylor, I know you'll try to tell someone where we are, so you will either let me blindfold you, or I'm going to have to knock you out" he said simply, no expression whatsoever on his face.

"I hate you" I spat, and before I could say another word, he had picked up the beer bottle next to me.

The last thing I saw, was it nearing my head, closer and closer. Then, everything went black.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3