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Chapter Five - Taylor Hanson, After The Concert
"Well...that was shit" I said simply and Zac and Ike nodded.

"Not meaning to pick Tay, but, you didn't really nail your notes that well…" Ike said quietly and I looked up from the schedule I was checking over.

"Well excuuuse me Mr. Perfectionist, was it just me, or did no-one else pick up that Ike messed up a whole chord in Dying To Be Alive, and you missed two bars in Smile, or that Zac finished three beats early on Good Lovin and missed the drum fills in Speechless" I snapped back.

"Fine Tay, we know that, I was only saying what went wrong so that we could work on it. What the hell is up with you lately anyway, you've been acting all weird, and you've been treating Zac and I like a sack of shit" he said, a sorry look on his face.

If that was meant to make me feel bad, it hadn't worked.

"Yeah, well, whatever Ike, just go off and do something else, leave me alone, I need to call someone" I told them and they both sighed before turning away and heading towards the last dressing room.

Dad walked past. "5 minutes Tay, we have to get back to the bus, so move it"

"Can I make a call first?"

"Who too?"


"Nope, you'll take too long, call her from the bus"

"But everyone will be listening"

"Tay, no, they won't, now hurry up and get to the bus, we don't have all day. We've got a press conference and performance to get to tomorrow, THEN we'll be home…"

"I think I know my own schedule DAD" I snapped and he glared at me.

"Get into the bus, NOW, and don't even THINK about calling Taylor until you lose that attitude" he ordered and I looked at the ground.

His head snapped up when he heard Steve Greenberg calling him from up the hall. Steve was such an ass. I sighed, then headed out to the last dressing room to tell Ike and Zac, then we all headed out to the bus. I was so pissed off I couldn't call Tally, I really wanted to talk to her. I went to my bunk without saying goodnight to anyone, and I opened up my wallet.
There was a picture of Tally and me from about 3 months ago that Zac had taken when we were all goofing around at this family picnic thing. I'd had so much fun that day…I sighed again, then I flicked off the light, rolled over and fell asleep.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4