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Xfiles Fan Fiction Crossover/Page 3

A Fire For The Truth/Page 3

By The_Mayz

Scene 13

"We're almost at the gate," Andrew announced suddenly.

Dana looked where Andrew was pointing. Yes. He was right. There was a gate. "I thought it was supposed to be a pearly gate," she said to her companion. Talking to him was so comfortable now.

"Look again," Andrew said, playfully.

Dana looked. The realization dawned on her and it caused her to involuntarily gasp with delight. "It... it is pearl. But, not like I always pictured. It's one huge solid pearl!"

Andrew laughed. He always loved the expressions on their faces when they saw the gate in all its majesty.

"And...and the walls," Dana continued. "So many precious stones. It's incredible. Oh, God..." she said, half as a prayer and half in unabashed wonder. She sank to her knees, tears splashing on the holy ground. Not sadness. No. She felt a sudden deep longing to touch Him, to see Him, and yet, it made her tremble. Andrew knelt beside her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't be afraid, Dana," he repeated. He seemed to say that a lot. "The One who created this beautiful gate of pearl prizes you far above it."

Dana looked at herself, her frail form compared to the magnitude of the one who created her. She felt so small and unworthy of such attention. "I'm sorry," she blurted. "I'm sorry God for the way I have shoved you aside and given you such an unimportant little corner of my life. Can you ever forgive me?"

Andrew smiled. He transformed before her into his glorified form, shining with the power of God, white and holy, yet full of tenderness for this woman weeping beside him. "Listen..." he said, and nothing more.

Dana listened. Her soul was swept up in the sound. "It's music," she whispered, almost inaudibly. Music more beautiful than humanly imaginable wafted from inside the gate to Dana's spirit, filling her with a joy like she had never known. It was like she was riding a wave, being carried on a current of euphoria to... to her place in this kingdom of love. There were chords and notes that did not exist in the earthly scale and the voices rolled like thundering Niagara, and yet were soft and gentle as a feather's touch.

"What is it for?" Dana asked. "The music..."

Andrew felt himself being caught up in the music too. He didn't get to hear it as often on assignment. "It's worship," he replied. "The angels and the redeemed humans in this place find God so wonderful, they can't help it. It's a reflex to worship him. Do you like the music?"

Dana smiled. "It's the loveliest sound I've ever heard."

"Worship goes on all the time. I mean, everyone has a turn in front of the throne worshiping, so it's going on all the time. But, there are plenty of other activities here."

"You mean, no clouds and harps?" Dana asked, giggling.

"Well, there are harps around here somewhere," Andrew answered. "And every instrument known...and unknown, but I have never relaxed all day on a cloud. I'm too busy."

"When can we go inside?" Dana asked, suddenly overcome with the desire to meet her creator.

"We can go right now," Andrew said.

They watched as the solid pearl gate began to open, slowly revealing the secrets behind it. Dana watched with anticipation. She was going to Heaven... Heaven... unbelievable. This was what she wanted. This was the most exciting moment of her life. This was... She was distracted by a sound. Someone weeping. "Weeping in Heaven?" she asked rhetorically.

No. This sound wasn't coming from Heaven. It was a sound she had heard before, a voice she knew. She listened.

"Scully," the voice said. "Scully, please, I need you. I.. I love you. I don't deserve you, but please, come back to me. Keep fighting! Come back! Come on, Scully. Don't leave me."

"Mulder," she said. "Andrew, it's Mulder. He...he's asking me to come back to him. What should I do?"

"It's your decision, Dana. You are free to make it. You can go through the gate if you want to or you can go back to finish the rest of your earthly life and we'll meet back here at this place in...oh...say...another forty years."

Dana looked at the open gate in front of her. Perfect happiness waited for her beyond it. She would never feel pain again, never be afraid. She would never have to endure another moment of injustice. It was, quite literally, Paradise, and nothing would sway her belief in it or God again.

She looked back across the fields towards the sound of Mulder's pleading voice. To go back would mean more pain, more fear, more injustice. Mulder needed her. He was her friend. She realized that there wasn't a soul on earth that meant more to her than he.

She felt torn. And who wouldn't? She looked at Andrew, hoping for some clarity. "God will be with me if I go back, won't he? He won't be upset with me if I don't go to see him right away? I mean, I don't want to disappoint God. He's...well...he's God."

Andrew smiled. "God will never leave you, Dana. It's a promise. I haven't said anything because I didn't want to manipulate you or influence your decision in any way, but if you stay, God will raise up another person to do the things he has planned for you."

"Things? He has things planned for me?"

"Yes. There is a purpose for your life, but God knows how much you have suffered. You can stay here now, if you wish. He won't be disappointed either way."

Dana never realized how much of a gentleman God is. She had a choice. "God," she said. "Thanks for your offer, but I don't think my time on earth is quite finished. Uh...but...I'll be back. I'll definitely be back!"

She got up and started running across the fields. It was exhilarating to run without the fetters of a physical body. She wanted to savour it, to remember this feeling. She wanted to experience it again. "Mulder! I'm coming!" she yelled.

Andrew watched her, tears welling up in his eyes. Dana Scully was a brave woman. Not many could resist the pull of Heaven standing right outside the gates. Her friendship with the man named Mulder was strong.

Andrew felt an urgent command in his spirit. "Stay with her!"

He obeyed. He ran and caught up with her quickly. They ran together, practically sprinting across the distance. Suddenly, they stopped dead. Dana fell backwards with the abruptness of her stop.

Four figures stood in their way, violating this sacred place. They were at least 8 feet tall and had the appearance of giant lizards, talons, teeth, and molten lava eyes. Scully gasped. For the first time since her journey with Andrew began, she felt a pang of fear shoot through her.

"Don't be afraid," Andrew said emphatically. "They feed on things like that. They have no right to touch you."

One of the beings, apparently the leader, curled his lip in a leer. "Turn back, fools! You cannot pass!"

"I don't recognize your authority," Andrew said, firmly. "You are trespassing! Leave!"

Mocking laughter slashed at Andrew's confidence. "You are no match for us. Give it up, pathetic angel of death. You are not worthy of such a formidable name. I am the real angel of death, and you will turn back now!" the leader said, puffing out his large, armored chest.

He towered over Andrew and Dana. Intimidation raked over Andrew's being. He felt like he was in the grip of a boa constrictor.

"The Lord rebuke you," Andrew said.

The being flinched, but stood his ground. "And just who is here to enforce the law?" it snarled. "I will crush both of you!" It pointed its sharp talon towards Scully and made a gesture of "come here".

Dana shuddered. "What are they?" She wished she had her revolver, but what good would that do against these things?

Andrew had a sudden revelation. He smiled. "You're stalling," he said. "Why are you stalling us?" He thought about it.

"They stink," Scully said, covering her nose with her arm. The stench caused her to want to gag.

"Thanks for the compliment," said the leader. "Now, turn back! I am growing impatient with you!"

Andrew was not afraid. As I said before, angels have no fear. He simply waited for instructions, like he always did.

"Maybe.. Maybe we should go back," Dana said.

Andrew began to protest. "No, Dana. Don't listen to them. They're just trying to scare..."

BIFF! The leader hit Andrew from behind, sending him sailing through the air into the trunk of the same giant oak where he and Scully had met.

"And now... I will finish you, Angel! You will not win this fight!"

The leader lunged towards Andrew, who was still scrambling to his feet. Andrew had experienced skirmishes before. He was no stranger to this aspect of his office, but he usually had a lot of backup when transporting the newly departed souls to Heaven. The battle didn't usually involve him personally. Where were the warriors? There must be quite a battle going on around this place. It must be an all-out assault to prevent this...whatever this thing was that God was doing.

The leader grabbed Andrew by the collar and lifted him off his feet, pinning him against the tree trunk so they could see eye to eye. Andrew grimaced at being forced to stare at the ugly creature in the face. It was unpleasant. Silently, he prayed for help. It came in the form of wisdom. "Dana," he said, as the demon held him against the tree.

Dana Scully cowered on the ground. The other three monsters encircled her, not touching her, but blocking her view of Andrew, of the fields, of anything but their ugly, scaly forms. They hovered over her head like vultures waiting to devour their prey. The memory of the pearly gate, the music, the euphoria became clouded in the midst of this onslaught of fear and intimidation.

"Help me!" Dana cried out. "Andrew, where are you?"

"Ha ha ha!" mocked one of the demons. "It's no use, Dana. Andrew lied to you. It was all a trick. He can't save you. You have been deceived!"

"" Dana pleaded. She had never been so afraid.

"Dana," Andrew called, his voice almost drowned out. "Dana, listen to me. They're lying to you."

"You pathetic little worm," another demon taunted. "Do you really think God loves you? What a lie! He has no time for insignificant creatures like you. He doesn't even know you exist!"

Dana covered her ears and bowed her head, trying to block out the attack on her senses, but it was as if these beings were bypassing her senses and speaking right into her soul, slashing and slicing it to ribbons. She felt paralyzed, like a child hiding under the covers from the monster in the closet.

"God, please help me," she managed to say, albeit merely a whisper.

"That's it, Dana!" Andrew yelled with all his might. "You have the power... It's within you. God's power is in you!"

"Shut up, Moron!" the leader spat, covering Andrew's mouth with his leathery hand.

Andrew would not be silenced. He began to speak to Dana via thought. Ready or not, he had to do it. "Dana, you can pray for help. You have more power at your fingertips than these creatures. It's all... smoke and mirrors."

Dana Scully heard a still, small voice speaking to her, somehow cutting through all the loud, raving voices that bombarded her mind. It said she could pray for help. It said she had God's power within her. "Smoke and mirrors," she repeated. It took all her courage, but she began. "God in Heaven, it's Dana. Please, help me. Only you can help me."

"@#$%&*&%$#@!!" the leader cursed, hurling Andrew across the field. "I told you to shut up!"

"Please make these.. things leave me alone. I know you are greater than they are." Dana continued. The demons had the ability to rip her to shreds, but they had no claim to her, no legal claim. They wouldn't dare touch her body. All they could do was to shoot arrows of lies at her, and hope she would believe them enough to destroy herself.

"Tell them to leave," Andrew sent his thoughts to Dana.. like email.

"Creatures, leave me alone!" Dana said, her voice getting stronger. "You can't touch me. I belong to God."

A flash of light announced the arrival of four warrior angels in answer to Dana's prayer. It was obvious by their appearance that they had been battling today already, but they were ready to take on these.. vermin.

"Ariel!" Andrew greeted with his thoughts. "Long time no see."

Ariel nodded at Andrew and made a beeline for the leader of the horde. A flash of red sulphur indicated that the demon had unsheathed his own sword. The battle was on. Clang! Clash! Clang! Bash! Sword upon sword! Strength upon strength! Good versus evil! What had been a major battle for Dana was a minor skirmish for these knights in shining armour. They tenaciously fought, holding the demons at bay long enough for Andrew to make his way over to Dana, who was still crouching on the ground.

"Who are they?" Dana asked, taking Andrew's arm as he helped her to her feet.

"Come on. Hurry! While they're occupied," he said, slipping past the fray and across the fields towards their original destination. "They're demons," Andrew said, matter-of-factly, when they were a safe distance away. "They have no claims to your soul, so they couldn't touch you. Your friend, Mulder, however, is another story. There is a big battle going on right now."

"For what?" Dana asked, perplexed.

"For his soul," Andrew explained. "You can help."

Dana didn't completely understand, but she was determined to help her partner, if she could.

"Don't fear, Dana. God is with you."

With those words, Andrew vanished from view and Dana felt her head getting fuzzy. She couldn't see properly. She had the sensation of climbing up a tunnel. It was an effort. "I've got to get to Mulder," she thought. She exerted all the strength she could muster to get to the top.

Suddenly, as she reached the end of the tunnel, her eyes opened and all around her were the plain surroundings of a hospital room. Her nose was greeted by the sterile smell that all hospitals have. She was disoriented at first, but as her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized that she had dropped in on a most bizarre scene.

Scene 14

"Agent Mulder, don't listen to his lies," Monica pleaded. "God loves you. He would never do anything to harm you. You've got to believe that."

Tears streamed down Monica's face. She hated to see this man tormented by such a vile, merciless being. His soul was too precious to be ravaged this way. And how she hated to hear God blamed for things he didn't do. Weaver was telling Mulder to blame God for things that the creature had done himself. "You are a cruel accuser," she railed at Weaver. "And I don't understand why God doesn't just blot you off the map!"

"Triumph," Weaver thought. "The anger is spreading like a cancer, even touching and tainting this weakling from Heaven. " He would kill two birds with one stone."

"Ariel!" Monica called. "Where are you? I thought you were supposed to help me!" The angry venom from Weaver tried to overtake her and she was succumbing to it. She felt herself being sucked down a vortex.

"Ariel," Weaver said, and he hated even saying that name. "Ariel is...occupied. Some of my colleagues are keeping him otherwise...engaged. So, it's just you and me, Sweetie Pie. And you are obviously the poorest opponent I have ever faced."

Monica sank down to the floor with every word. It was the end, the very bottom of the barrel of her hope. "Help me, God," she whispered. It was that cry of desperation that gets God's attention immediately.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked, rushing to his colleague's side.

Weaver winced at the sight of Andrew. Two angels, even these little ones, would not be so easy to overtake. "Don't you have some dead person to fly off to Heaven?" he asked, disdainfully.

"The Lord rebuke you," Andrew said firmly.

How Weaver hated that phrase!

"Monica, what's going on?" Andrew continued.

"I don't know," Monica said. "I can't win this one. I can't..."

Andrew felt Weaver's angry venom trying to jump onto him. He knew how this type of entity operated. He faced them often roaming around when he went to pick up his assignments to take them to Heaven. These creatures hung around families for generations when they could. They were basically lazy demons, not wanting to be forced to look for new hosts. They preferred to transfer from one family member to the next and the next.

"Listen to me, Monica," Andrew said, ignoring Weaver's protests. "You can do this! Remember, we aren't to be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Strength from that scripture poured into Monica's body. She smiled. "Keep going," she said.

Andrew understood. "And remember... greater is he who is in you than he that is in the world."

Another truth that Monica loved. God was much greater than Weaver. It was like comparing an elephant to an ant. "Oh... how wonderful God is," she sighed.

Andrew was on a roll. "And.. And.. By my God I can run through a troop and leap over a wall."

Monica took Andrew's arm. He helped her to her feet. She felt like an eagle that was wounded, but now soared through the Heavens, healed and free. "God is my strength, and He is good," she replied. "I think I understand how Agent Mulder feels. Weaver is keeping him from hearing the truth. He is discouraging him. I've got to get through to him somehow."

Andrew grinned. If an angel can be mischievous, that's what Andrew looked like. "Maybe we won't have to," he said, pointing to the hospital bed where Scully was lying, her blue eyes open and taking in the entire scene.

"Mulder," Scully said, weakly. She wanted to go to him, there on the floor, but she wasn't strong enough yet.

"Arrrrrrrgh!" yelled Weaver, as he noticed the newly-awakened patient.

"Mulder," she repeated. It was as if Mulder's head was full of static. He could hear something... someone calling his name.

"Get out of here!" Weaver yelled into his head in desperation.

Mulder got up to obey the order. He would have been out the door, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement. It was Scully, reaching out to him with her hand. He ran to her side, smiling. "Scully, you're awake! They said you wouldn't make it!"

"I hope you weren't preparing a eulogy yet," she said, a wry smile gracing her pale, but beautiful face. "I see you've met Andrew."

"Andrew?" Mulder said, perplexed. He followed Scully's pointing finger. There, in the corner, he saw Monica and some blonde poster boy. They were both glowing with God's glory, and it was increasing, causing the ugly figure of Weaver to be exposed in the light. The demon couldn't hide his form now. The light always exposes what is in the dark.

Scully gasped. "That... that's one of those.. things!"

Mulder looked. "It's Weaver!" He stood in front of Scully in a protective stance, as if he could honestly protect her from that. Still, it was a gallant act, an act of love, and Weaver couldn't stand it because it quelled his murderous anger from controlling Mulder, for the moment.

"I will finish you off now, Mulder!" Weaver fumed. "Your soul is mine!"

Weaver advanced on Mulder. Monica ran to shield him again. Her own pain and discomfort meant nothing in comparison to the love of God that was pouring through her for her assignment.

Andrew took his post beside Scully, ready to do the same for her, but knowing that this demon had no claim to her. Therefore, it could not touch her. He watched Monica and admired her courage. He couldn't help but say aloud, "It's like the scripture says. Love covers a multitude of sins."

Revelation illuminated Monica. She knew the answer to the whole thing. "Yes!" she said, giggling with glee. "Love covers a multitude of sins!"

"Arrrghhhh!" Weaver bellowed, his hand poised in the air to strike, but he couldn't move. He was frozen there, held by an invisible grip. Suddenly, the form of Ariel, his grip on the demon firm and immoveable, appeared in all his..... height. Ariel was a formidable form. It felt good to be on his good side.

Mulder couldn't believe his eyes. This figure was glowing with the same aura of light that Monica and Andrew had, but he was bigger, much bigger. He was bigger than Jesse "The Body" Ventura. His presence caused the confusion to unravel from around Mulder's mind.

"Andrew took me to Heaven," Scully divulged, excitedly. "I was almost through the gates, Mulder, but... but I heard you calling me to come back. I just had to come back."

Fox Mulder felt a lump in his throat. He didn't believe in Heaven, really. He hoped there was one so that if his sister really was dead, he would see her again one day, but it was low on his list of believable scenarios. Now, he was faced with the reality of three angelic beings and one fallen angelic being here in his partner's hospital room. One was trying to take Scully to Heaven. One was trying to take him to...

"You are a demon," Mulder said to Weaver. "You are from hell."

Weaver sneered. "Oh please. I don't do hell."

"Not yet, anyway," Monica added, a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh, shut up!" Weaver said, but his voice was a little bit pleading now. "Do you have to talk about it?"

"What do you want with me?" Mulder demanded.

"I own you," Weaver claimed boldly. "I have been with the Mulder family since your ancestors fought in the civil war. One of your ancestors killed a cold blood. Oh, no one ever caught him. It was just another war incident according to the authorities, but I caught him. I owned him from that moment on.. all legal.. signed, sealed, delivered.. he was mine. And now, you are mine. The sins of the fathers pass down to the third and fourth generation. You can't win. You may as well get used to me. I'm not going anywhere."

Mulder felt bile rising up in his throat. It made him sick to think of Weaver hanging around him forever...and even on down the line to the next generation after him. "Is this true?" he asked Monica. "If it is, then he's right. Weaver, you are responsible for my sister and my father and..."

A laugh. "Of course, it was me. But, they thought it was them. I can make you think it's your own thoughts...hahahahaha."

That was enough rope to hang himself. His arrogance caused him to shoot off his mouth without thinking. Weaver never saw it coming.

"How do I get rid of him?" Mulder asked. "I'll do anything!"

"God can get rid of him," Scully said with a faith that could move mountains. She had just been in God's garden and her faith was renewed and fresh as a spring day.

"Yes," Monica agreed. "God can get rid of him."

"Lies!" Weaver yelled, wriggling in vain to try and get free from Ariel's iron grip.

"But, you have to make a decision, Fox," Monica continued. "God loves you. That's the truth. Really, it is. And he wants to have a real relationship with you."

Mulder wanted to know God. It would be the ultimate experience, but he didn't want to be one of those stuffy religious people that made him want to leave the room in a hurry. He looked at Monica and Andrew. They weren't like that. Then, it must be possible to walk with God without being a religious sourpuss. That revelation freed him. "I do want to know God. How do I..."

"Talk to him," Monica answered. "You have the right."

"You're a worm in his sight!" Weaver interjected.

"You're a worm!" Scully rebuked. To her surprise, Weaver winced at her words. It was like Andrew had said. She had God's power in her and Weaver was terrified of God.

Mulder looked into Scully's blue eyes. For a change, there were no arguments. She was in perfect agreement with the whole thing. He felt a bonding with her that was even deeper than he had ever felt before.

"Go on," she said, caressing his hair.

It was embarrassing at first, but he began. "God, I know I haven't talked to you much, except to tell you off about Samantha and... and.... whatever else I was blaming you for, but I want to talk about something else. These angels say you love me. I want to believe. Please show me your love in a way I can understand."

Scully lifted her head up and kissed him on the top of his head. Her warm tears mingled with his hair. He felt his own tears forming as he realized that Scully was a tangible representation of God's love to him. She was always there for him. She loved him through thick and thin, no strings attached. If that was only a taste of how much God really loved him, he must be the luckiest man alive.

"God," he continued. "Forgive me for not believing in you... for anything I've done that you didn't like. I want to know you."

Weaver was really squirming now. Could it be? Yes. There was fear on his face. "You're a fool!" he spat, but cowered at Scully's glance.

"And God, whatever my ancestors did that caused this... Weaver to come into our lives, please forgive that sin of the fathers. I don't want Weaver anymore or his anger. Amen."

Mulder's arm slid across the bed over Scully, in a hug. He looked up and kissed her cheek, thanking God in his heart for her. Love... love was covering a multitude of sins.

"One more thing," Monica said, pointing to Weaver. "Fox, it's up to you now. You have the power of God in you. He will never leave you. Now, tell Weaver..."

"I can tell him where to go?" Mulder asked, happily.

"Well," Monica said. "I don't know if I would put it that way..."

"Yes," Andrew agreed. "Tell him."

Mulder looked into the lifeless eyes of his former captor. Somehow his evil form didn't seem so frightening now, just repulsive. He smiled and said, "Weaver, get lost. You no longer have any claim to the Mulder family. Go to...well... you know where to go..."

"@#$%&*&%$#@!!" Weaver swore as he vanished in a puff of sulphuric smoke.

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