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Weird World Gallery (Page 1)
EPIC Models

All of the images in the Gallery's can be viewed at their full size simply by clicking on the image.

Imperial Guard Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Battle Tank

 First - in the style of the site - I am starting with the first ever Epic40K Imperial tank I painted - a Leman Russ. Painted in the same basic scheme as a German WWII Unit I had just finished (green with brown web overlayed). I know its not great - but it was a first try at jungle camo on this scale - and they don't get much better!!

Imperial Tech Guard Bridge Layer (conversion)
 Here we have the Bridge Layer you may have seen elsewhere on the site

This is not a good example of my bridge layers (I have made over 20 different conversions on the theme) but I  broke this one whilst I was scanning it and am therefore reluctant to attempt scanning the more detailed (better but easier to break) ones.


Emperor's Eagles Basic Units
 Here are some of The units from my own chapter - The Emperor's Eagles.
They are not spectacular but I would point out that there are approximately 1250 Marines painted to the standard of above, and countless armoured vehicles (Yes, that's right - I have the whole chapter!) and even if I do say so myself they do look excellent on display all together!

Emperor's Eagles Librarian on Bike (conversion)
This conversion I was very
 proud of at the time. This is my bike mounted Librarian for My Emperor's Eagles Chapter. Since making this I have
                  done a number of similar pieces - but being the first this is still my favourite.
 It is (obviously) based on an Epic 40K Space Marine Bike model, from which I removed the rider carefully. Then  I chopped a Librarian in half to give me the main section of the rider to be. The Librarian model as it comes on the sprue has an awkward left arm to use in conversions such as this so I simply removed it with the legs (but leaving the arms shoulder pad with the upper body. The staff's shaft was shortened so that the rider could hold it without it looking un-natural (Such a long staff would be impractical on a bike). The arm which I had chopped off along with the rest of the body was then used to put back into the final model. I very carefully cut it away from the rest of the legs, shaping the side which had been  in the body as I went. Bent everso slightly this was then glued back onto the shoulder pad as though it was from a totally different model! As a final touch I made the skirt type thing (tell me if it has a real name!) from the original Librarian into a little Honour Badge which I attached to the front of the Bike. A quick coat of paint to the bike, and Black armour for the rider so's he stood out more and it was done!

Mosquito Hover Craft (conversion)
Here we have the first miniature in the Gallery of mine which I have built from scratch. This is one of the many craft which I have  constructed for my new WET EPIC rules for Epic 40K. This is one of the Standard Imperial Guard Hover Craft - the Rules for which will be available VERY soon alongside the rest of the WET EPIC Units. Go HERE to see how the project is going - and get the basics for the Rules! Another view of the Craft can be seen as well as an enlarged version of this when you click on the picture!

 Emperor's Eagles Force Commander w/ Jump Pack On scenic base (conversions)
This Model is one of my many force commanders for my Emperor's Eagles Space Marine Chapter. I have a vast array of Force commanders with most of the options open to them modelled on to at least one set of figures so that I can field any of the options when it comes to a battle.
Both the Commander and the Banner bearer in this model started as basic Assault Marines. To get the banner bearer it was a simple matter of removing the sword arm from the model, being careful to keep the angels on the jump pack. I took the  banner holding arm from a banner bearer miniature and shortened the banner pole. This was because a) it didn't fit!  b) A massive banner pole would be very impractical when jumping through the air in an attack. The Arm was then glued in place  - DONE! The Commander miniature was a basic integration of the Commander figure and the assault marine figure - taking the pieces which made the commander most identifiable and fitting them to an assault marine. The hardest part was removing him from his little round base with his feet still intact so that he could stand up on his rock. All infantry banners in the army simply read "EE", while some of the Vehicle's ones go in to a lot more detail - as I produce them on computer.

Here we have another of my EPIC First's. This one was a trial run for a paint scheme for one of my Imperial Guard armies. For a reason that eludes me to this day I chose on of the biggest, and most expensive models in the Imperial Guard army to try out the paint scheme on. In the end  I didn't paint more than this model's squadron in the colours - opting for another version which I had tried out on another (far cheaper) model. I posted this pic. to see what you think of the scheme. Over the years I have come to wonder if I think its good or not and can't decide - Post your own opinions in the Guestbook!

1st Company Conversions

These two are both conversions from the First company of the Emperor's Eagles. You may notice that the commander figure's base also contains scouts. This is because the 1st company is a mixture of veterans and scouts. It enables the new recuits to learn from the best - and also adds to the flexibility of the Chapter. Note the Force Axe being carried by the Terminator sergant and the Head change on the Scout captain (NOW THATS Fiddly!)


Space Marine Heavy Squads (conversions)

When you have an army in any race the size of mine (well over 200K of Marines and IG for Epic!) it really becomes obvious that all the trops are essentially the same - devastators are all the same, tactical troops are all the same - they get boring to look at and more to the point VERY boring to paint!. So, to that end, I went about making some small conversions to make my troop stands stand out fro the crowd and look just a little more realistic with a bit of action. Here we have some of my devastator variants. From left to right:  Heavy Bolter (conversion), Missile launcher (as supplied) and Lascannon (conversion). I have shown them not painted because then it is easier for you to see what I have done to make them. I have also done a few plasma cannons, simply using components from old version Ork heavies.  For further details as to how I made the models check out the conversions section of the gallery. My current projects include making Epic space Marines crouching, running, diving for cover, and lying down!

Here we have one of my personal favourites. This conversions is of a Space Marine Chaplin on a Bike. Although he looks to be more akin to the legion of the damned, he is still a member of the Emperor's Eagles Chapter, 4th company. The fourth Company held out against a Chaos force for 5 years whilst they were cut off from the rest of their chapter during the Ipsilon campagn in the Chameleon Sector. Those who survived the campaing now carry the distinctive colourings shown here, in memory of the brothers who were killed in the inferno which ended the seige as the Choas forces simultaneously set nearly a million acres of rough land alight from aerial bombardment to cover their retreat. The Banner depicts (supposedly) an Emperor's Eagles Banner bearer on a ridge surrounded by flames. All of the 4th company still carry the blue/yellow quarters scheme on their right shoulder pad to proove their ongoing alligiance to the chapter.
Once again, details of the conversion can be found on the conversions page of the gallery.

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