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Weird World Miniatures Gallery (2)
Fantasy Miniatures
All of the images in the Gallery's can be viewed at their full size simply by clicking on the image.

Aneur - Mordheim Elf Swordmaster
First off we have a Model which was given away free with White Dwarf in the UK (Afraid the US won't get it!)
Aneur - Elf Sword masterUnfortunately the molding on my figure is not great - and the nose......well.....there isn't really one! However I only realised this as I came to paint the face (after I had already painted a lot of the rest of the model), so I didn't get the chance to send it back :¬(.  The prize on this model is the detail which has been put on to the main body of the figure with its armour, and countless buckles. This makes a dream to paint as most of the detail is easy to pick out. The pity of it is that it is very dark under the shadow of the cloak and no matter how often I tried I failed to get a scan which showed all this detail (and my hard work painting it al up nicely!). Just for the hel of it I sharpened his sword as it came looking REALLY blocky - but I'v cut myself on it twice now so I's say it was shaper!!
The model has its own scenic/dioramic base entitled "Single File" depicting him on Steping Sones in the middle of a raging river holding back a load of Skele's who are unable to cross more than one at a time and on their own they stand no chance at beating the master swordsman. I will try to get a pictur of it and scan it in as it looks really cool with skeles being washed downstream and clawng their way back onto the stepping stones. Al that and its only on the lid of a Packet of Pringles!! Goes to show - Size doesn't matter (well - not when models are concerned!!)

Baron Death Project (Conversion)
baron death before
                   Here we see a recent mini-project of mine.
                      It all started with the broken knight from Battle Masters you can see here to the Left. Seeing as it was broken - I decided I would have to make a conversion out of it - so I did! There and then. Without a plan (bad I know!) I set to work. First thing to go was the Lance - the broken bit - replaced with a mean Mace from GorkaMorka. As soon as this had been done, I got visions of an Empire General much like Borgio the Besieger. However - these plans quickly changed when I got to the next stage. Another point I wanted to change was the head - it had no life in it. But I didn't have anybaron death's head
Human heads to use!! Ahh No! What was to become of the Great General? As I looked through what I had at hand I came across a couple of very old skeleton Horsemen. Seeing as they were all I had I set about changing the head. Simple task, especially when one of the horsemen was wearing a helmet so I could use that to cover up any messy cutting marks. Well - having changed the head I was left with a respectable rider - and a horse for him to ride. But I never stop when I should!
 I couldn't resist - I was holding a Skeleton Horse in one hand, and the project in the other. I kept thinking "its not quite right that the Skeleton should ride a perfectly normal horse". I knew it would be tricky - but I had to try. I hacked off two of the legs, and re-positioned them using bits from the Steeds. I was left with a half decent conversion and the torso of a skeleton steed - and being me I continued therefor to chop off the central section of the horse - replacing it with a carefully cut section of the steed's rib-cage. Pinning in place with a pin going up his rear right leg and up his tail all that was left was to paint him. Here are some pictures of the model (Known to his enemies as Baron Death) as he was at the end of that day:
Since then he has had an eye modelled onto his face, hanging out of the socket, and a branding mark etched
onto his forehead. He has also (being me) had his complete history written - which I won't put here but I can send
    it to you if you really want (?!?!?!? - you'd have to be strange I know but there's one born every minute!!).

Black Orc General (Kinda Conversion)
Here we have something a little different for you. To the right you can see (hopefully) a
picture of a War Hammer Fantasy Battles Black Orc Big Boss. As you should notice -
the painting of this miniature is far from complete. What I am planning to do is paint this
figure over the next few weeks (It will take a while to fir it in amongst all of my other
projects - oh and college!) and scan him in every time I finish a section so that you can
see one of my models coming to life. This should be taken not as a "How To" article but
more as a "How Not To" article on miniature painting.
To View the Progress on the Model click on the image on the right which will
take you to a page with pictures and notes about its progress and no doubt within time
all of the mistakes I make will become very clear to you all!

By now you should have realised that, despite my Imperial appearance within the rest of the site - I have plenty of
 Evil blood running in my veins (don't tell the inquisition!) . Here we see three of my 15 gobbo Fanatics from my
                                  vast WHFB Orc and Goblin army.
Blue Fanatic Purple Fanatic Yellow Fanatic
As you may notice - I do not go with convention and paint my models how they "should" be painted. Most people paint their fanatics with dull black robes, but I believe that as they are completelymad, they are far more likely to go to war wearing the most outrageously coloured garments they can find - Hence My force is filled with Blie, Green, Purple and even a Pink fanatic!

Rank and File Gobbo
rank and file gobbo R+F gobbo's back
 On with the Goblinoid mini's here once again - and a rank and file gobbo. As has every gobbo commander - I have hundreds of these (unlike most though - this for me means literally hundreds!). Therefor it is not painted to a great standard even for me - I don't think it is needed in such large regiments for them to look good.

Lead Belcher
Lead Belcher Lead Belcher 2
A Lead Belcher from my Fantasy Orc and Goblin Horde. This model is OOP and out-ruled from the Army Lists due to the fact that gobbo's don't have gunpowder. Its as close to not being Citadel as you can get with a Citadel Miniature (I think).

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