Other Stories

Yes, I write fiction not about video games! The stuff I post here will usually be stories I write for school, or just something I whipped up one day. It might not make a lot of sense, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. If you like what I put here and you want to write something yourself, send it to me, but don't be too hopeful. I put up other people's fanfiction because it's normally pretty safe. Other fiction can sometimes get...scary. But don't let me deter you. Just write!

What's Imaginary?
I was taking a Creative Writing course this past year at University, and we had to do a piece of writing (poetry or prose) for our final project...and I chose prose. And this is what I wrote. Yes, his name is M and he looks reminiscent of my favourite FFVII hunk...but I never claimed to be completely original!

The War of the Mozzerrad Fields
This is a short story written by...my Dad! And, all father-daughter biases aside, it's really good. He based it on a chess game and...well, maybe I should let you read it and find out! This is a really interesting way to write a story!

This is just a short glimpse into a scene, something I wrote while I was stressed out on a History essay (and probably a couple of other things) in university. Kinda weird, but exactly my feelings at the time.

In the Guise of a Woman
I know this one is weird. I wrote it one day when I was depressed...I don't get depressed often, so hopefully they're not all like this.

The Portrait
This one I concocted when I discovered that my sister had asked my 'hopeful' boyfriend -- now actual boyfriend -- out, even though she knew I liked him! I was...a little upset. I don't know what this story has to do with it. Oh well.

The Dragonslayer
Okay, this one is an archetypal story I wrote for my OAC English Writer's Craft class. In case you want to know, the two main archetypes of the main character are 'martyr' and 'magician' -- my two main archetypes! And yes, the husband's name is Terry. I have a terrible time coming up with names!

This Life I'm Living
Yup, another one written for English. The boy in this story is named Vince, I know, but he's based on a character I created a long time before I played FFVII. I guess I just like the name!

Stuck in an Elevator?
This story was written for my English midterm. We had to choose an idea out of our journal to develop into a short story. Uh...and yes, I am afraid of elevators. I have a friend who was once stuck in one! *shudders*

The Definitive Joe Story
This is a short story my brother wrote and it is very...definitive. One of the best things he's ever written (one of the only things he's ever written). Read with caution and please don't flame me!

The Ring
The Ring: Part Two
Finally! I'm posting an Other Story by someone else! Gio, to be exact. Yep, she wrote this one, and it's good, and sad, with a touch of the magical. Read it, enjoy it, and email her to tell her how much you loved it!


Bet you didn't know I wrote poetry. Well, that's because...I DON'T! Well, not normally. I guess we'll see if anything else makes it's way down here!

The Circle
I wrote this for (you guessed it!) Writer's Craft, before the summer obviously. It is written in true Shakespearian sonnet style and is about the cycle of life and death in nature and, comparatively, in our own lives. It's nothing earth shattering, but I wrote it. Yay.

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