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Note: Minor alterations have been made to the published articles due to the limits of the .txt format. Otherwise, all articles have been reproduced as they were published.

Ray Currie
Better Than Super Friends - first published in Enlightenment 99 - Aug/Sept 2000
Review: State of Decay (forthcoming)

Ben Hakala
(none at this time)

Aaron Prokop
The Fox TV Movie Review - first published in Enlightenment 77 - Nov/Dec 1996
The Convention of Doom - first published in Enlightenment 98 - June/July 2000
Conspiricy Theory - first published in Enlightenment 99 - Aug/Sep 2000

Chapter Reports
Feb/Mar 2000 - first published in Enlightenment 96
June/July 2000 - first published in Enlightenment 98
Aug/Sep 2000 - first published in Enlightenment 99
Apr/May 2001 - first published in Enlightenment 103