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SUPER YOYO CHAMPIONSHIP 2004 [ ... ]-28.11.2004, Sunday
Went to Wisma Saberkas and hang out there one whole afternoon. My bro wanted to take part on it but was kicked out the first round. My mom, my sis and I then window shopped for hours to kill our time. Window shopped??? Instead I ended up spending RM105.80 with two bras LOL!!!

There were so many ppl took part in the contest. Stage decoration works on progress.

Contest in progress.

Wax Hand Union, the latest craze in Kuching, now available at Wisma Saberkas. However not much ppl there though... Pay RM50 to get you hand mould done using wax. If not mistaken, the wax is paraffin wax. If u wanted to add colour(s) to the wax, you need to pay more. I'm not sure about most of the details but according to the newspapers, it's very popular in HK. A Kuchingite broke the record of being the youngest customer, an infant, got his/her feet moulded.
While waiting fro my bro and my dad, we went to KFC to have some snacks, hungry... here's what I had ordered. Left, Hot & Spicy Fried Chicken. Right, Regular Fries.

1ST REUNION WITH EX-COLLEAGUES [ ... ]-27.11.2004, Saturday
Busy rushing to get the projetc done...
"So hungry...", said Jimmy.
"Me too...", said Tan.
"Long time don't eat laksa", I said.
"Talking about laksa, it's making me more hungry", said Tan.
"Hey... why not we go to eat laksa at 3rd mile after work?", I asked.
"Long time don't eat too, want to go there to eat?", Jimmy asked.
"Where?", Tan asked.
"The one near Infor, next to police station", Jimmy said.
"Ok". Jimmy and Tan said.
"Are you guys sure??? Really want to go for lunch there?", I asked.
"YES", both of them answered.
"Call Yap and Alvin too since they're not working today, asked them to join us.", I said.

So Jimmy called Yap and she said OK. Tan was supposed to call Alvin but he thought Jimmy would call.

12.30PM sharp. Off we go, left the office a.s.a.p to avoid got "caught" by the boss halfway on our way out, or else it would be cancelled. Jimmy reached there 1st, then me, then Tan. We asked Tan did he call Alvin, he gave a negative answer he thought Jimmy called Alvin. So Tan called Alvin since we both didn't have Alvin's phone number. No long after that, Yap came. Half hour later Alvin came but we had finished our lunch LOL...

Tan paid for the drinks and Jimmy paid for the laksa. Yap and me, the only two girls paid nothing(AHhaha... isn't it great to be a girl?). As Alvin was late he paid for his own. We're there for about almost 2 hours and 30 minutes chatting because of the rain too. Once the rain stopped totally, we all went home. This is my first time having lunch with my colleagues since I joined the company. Also the first time everyone made it coz usually they said there'll sure be someone cancalled last minute because got "caught" by the boss. LOL...

TO GO OR NOT TO GO??? [ ... ]-26.11.2004, Friday
How to decide??? I don't know... feeling an urge to go but then it's not an easy decision, it'll change my whole life. Will I be able to find a job there, the job that I wanted? Or do I study there for a year or two and then find a job there? Heheheeh... you must be wondering what am I talking about. Oh well... I'm thinking should I go to S'pore or not to study or to work? Leave Kuching and start my life there... I can't decide... sigh...

The idea was brought up by my parents. They were asking me why not I go to S'pore to work? However I told them that it's not easy to find a job there and what will I mostly likely get with my qualification??? A programmer post is most likely(I don't like programming after my Advance Diploma LOL...). Or worst like my friend ended up working as data entry clerk in S'pore. Then my mom suggested that why not I find a school there and study a year or two, after that then start work there? Huh??? Easy to say, who will pay my expenses there? Ask me to work and study at the same time, no way!!! Can't ask my dad to pay since my sis will be furthering her studies too soon... it's a big financial burden to him.

So many things to consider, it's kinda sudden. All these while, the idea of working in other country never striked me because I don't want to but suddenly now I have the feeling to go but the feeling of not to go too... it's a mixed feeling...to go or not to go???? Since I got to know him(who? ahhaa... u guess...), I started to have thoughts of pursuing my career or even my studies elsewhere, suddenly the sense of adventure coming back to me which was gone few years back. Now it's started to burn again but with more things to consider. Summore now my parents seemed like giving me the green light. I still can't decide!!!! HOW???

CANDIES [ ... ]-25.11.2004, Thursday
These are some the candies that we bought on Sunday. See the yellow/orange box? That's the one that can real fool people.

RH PLAZA [ ... ]-21.11.2004, Sunday
This is the first time I sat my foot at RH Plaza. It is near Kuching International Airport and in BDC area. It's easy to find since it's just situated at the roadside, the mainroad. It is a new commercial center in Kuching. It's there for quite sometimes already but never been there although always passed by that area. Finally, today have the chance to walk around that area to see what's new is install for Kuchingites in this place. Lots of eating outlets, Japanese, Thai, Vietnam, Chinese, Western... eateries. Lots of hair salons and beauty parlours. Not only that, lots of furniture shops too and mostly sell contemporary furniture.

We spent most of our time in a shop that sells home decor items, Green Gallery. It's a place for those that wanted to find stuff for their home decor, my goodness.. there're all so nice, I want!!! LOL but no place for them at home. Lots of artificial plants, they looked so real, fountains, vases, wind chimes, statues... you name it, really spoilt for choices. It's a 3-storeys shop. It was packed with people. It's a very nice shop to browse when you wanted to find something for your house and for buying housewarming gifts. I think you can't find other shops like this in Kuching. Or maybe there are, only that I didn't make any effort to find them. Hehehhe... ignorance...

Bought some chocolates and candies there(it stated imported chocolate and candies but actual fact, it's from China), 100g-> RM3 (What a profit to make!!!!). Very nice packaging. I like the one that looked like a box of present. It can really fool people. If a guy bought it and gave it to his gf, she'll thought it's a ring in there, then when she opened the wrapper, it's just a peanut candy!!! It would be soooooo... disappointing...

WORKING DAYS AGAIN... [ ... ]-17.11.2004, Wednesday
Back to work!!! No more holidays... sigh... once got back to the office things started pouring in, all jobs postponed until after Raya holiday, it's time to get busy now... much busier than ever, project deadlines need to be met since all of them are so close apart... argggggggg....

My seating place is changed, now sitting next to my colleague, before that we're quite disperse, now we all sit at the same area, easier to talk and work together but too bad lack of privacy now. The new area has very bad "fung shui" hehehhe... the lighting isn't that good and air circulation is bad, my goodness... felt so sleepy due to these and not much mood to work. Since we're sitting so close together, we chat more than doing our work. LOL... the only way to keep us awake.

By the way, starting this month, I'm the only girl in the office. The other girl resigned already so left me, the only one. So everyday working togather with all the guys. Isn't that great ;p hahhaa...

Got one news but not sure it will affect me or not, IT353(Information Managment) mark will be moderated, scale up!!!! Hopefully I can get a B for it ehhehe... how I wish IT354(Database) will be scaled up too, so that I can get a C since I'm just 1 mark from getting C but I don't think there will be any.

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI [ ... ]-15.11.2004, Sunday
It's the end of fasting month for the Muslims. I'll be having 2 days off, Wednesday back to work. Since it falls on Sunday, Monday is the replacement for it. Don't know what to do... stay at home with my computer, watch TV(nothing much to see), eat and sleep. Friends are all too busy with their own stuff and I have nothing to do sigh... this year Raya is kinda boring, no nice shows on TV, no place to go in Kuching, so just stay at home. Have the urge of buying a flight ticket and off I go for a holiday LOL... no hotel booking and so on, will end up on the street ;p Anyway... just another day, see whether can I come out with next year design for this website.

ZEROX [ ... ]-12.11.2004, Friday
Bought a new sunglasses. Zerox by Louis Koo(a Hong Kong singer and actor). At first I didn't plan to buy this, I tried out others but nothing seemed to satisfied me, my sis suggested that I try\ied Zerox brand and I declined coz of Louis Koo, not that I don't like him, just that I don't want to, just not my type to buy this kind of brand by an artist. Tried and tried... then the optometrist recommended me a few of them, purple, blue and gray, I didn't realize it's Zerox, thought it's other brand, I decided on the gray ones. When they put it into the box, I found out that the logo seemed pretty familiar, I looked around then saw the poster, LOL... it's the brand that I don't intended to buy. What the heck... ;p it suits me and looks cool, who cares... Haahahah...

See the third picture hahaahah... it's me, took my own picture for fun with the sunglass and did some touch ups and designs in Photoshop... VOALA!!!! Looked sexy huh???

LEVEL 37!!!! [ ... ]-10.11.2004, Wednesday
Hehehe... I thought I wouldn't be able to play till level 37. During lunch time just play for fun and didn't expect to break any record but then it's getting better and better, I have the highest score!!!! It's recorded in catscity since I played it online. Luckily boss came back late so I am able to play till this level ;p Actually level 38 was quite easy but becuase of playing too long and eyes getting blur, shot the wrong colour and there went the two lifelines, all wasted in this level.

LEVEL 34!!!! [ ... ]-09.11.2004, Tuesday
HAHAHAAHAH... finally exceed level 34 in Frozden Bubble!!!!! 1st time!!!! I played it offline so no record in catscity

SUGARBUN [ ... ]-07.11.2004, Sunday
After hanging in in Wisma Saberkas for hours, we went to Satok Sugarbun for lunch. It's now an open-air restaurant and serve a variety of food, asian food, western food and also their famous broasted chicken. Haven't been there for quite sometimes. It used to be an air-conditioned fast food restaurant just like KFC. Now they venture into serving a wide variety of food instead of only chicken.

The following are Sugarbun 3 Layer Iced Tea that was introduced during the start of fasting month. It tasted really thick and good to quench your thirst. The lowest layer is a type of syrup, second layer is evaporate milk and the top layer is premium tea with ice. RM1.90 per cup(excluding 5%GST).

My brother and I ordered Broasted Chicken Savoury Rice Meal Set each. The savoury rice always taste good since its introduction years ago. The chicken, quite dry, I don't like the flavour of it. I still prefer KFC.
My sis ordered Mamak Style Fried Macaroni, better eat fried Kueh Tiaw, much cheaper than this and it tasted the same LOL...

My parents ordered chicken mushroom soup and two plates of plain rice. The mushroom is hard, they didn't soke it properly. The soup is tasteless but the chicken is soft. I can cook this dish better than them heheehhe...
I couldn't remember all the prices. Only manage to remember the price for the tea ;-p

COMTECH 2004 [ ... ]-07.11.2004, Sunday
Another event, COMTECH 2004, nothing much to see, not much ppl too.

YOYO ROADSHOW [ ... ]-07.11.2004, Sunday
Just a small demo show and asked ppl to buy the yoyo. It started around 11am and ended around 12:30pm at Wisma Saberkas, having hard time finding parking place cause 2 events happening in one venue. The photos are not so good since my camera do not have optical zoom. Trying to get a better view for the photos and it's not easy, too many ppl, I'm not that tall. Went up one floor to take the photos(bottom 2 photos) and took them while on the way down with escalator(top 2 photos).

ALMOST THE END OF THE YEAR [ ... ]-01.11.2004, Monday
1 more month... 1 more month to go to 2005!!!! So fast... getting older already.

Working for almost 2 month and nothing much to comment about, job is just a job. Still thinking of whether to continue my studies next year or not. Still have the phobia for exams LOL...

I'm still considering should I dye my hair or not??? Dye purple colour... it makes not much different, it's still black unless under really bright sunlight then it'll looked purple. Should I go for it or not? Really cannot decide. Afraid that I might regret later. It's not cheap too.

Hari Raya is coming soon, then Deepavali(not sure S'wak got holiday or not, heard that Indian commity is appealing for it, the result will be known soon I guess), then here comes Christmas, then New Year's Eve, then 2005!!!! When can I meet you dear??? I hope I can meet you before the end of this year but it seemed impossible. Missssss you....

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