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The Learning Tower
The World’s Great History Shaping Battles

Wars, battles, sieges, plunders, revolutions, and coups have all served to reshape the past and the world we live in. Use the Research Links to learn more about these great events and the impact they have made on our lives.


Research Links

1250 BC The Exodus
490 BC Battle of Marathon
480 BC Battle of Artemisium
431-404 BC Pelopennesian War
405 BC Battle of Aegospotami
327 BC Siege of Aronos
260 BC Battle of Mylae
67 Romans Besiege Jerusalem
70 Romans Destroy Jerusalem and Temple
312 Constantine the Great Conquers Under the Chi-Rho Banner
455 Rome Captured and Plundered
476 Rome Falls
552 Battle of Taginae
732 Battle of Poitiers
778 Abbasid Moslems Invite Charlemagne to Intervene Battle at Roncesvalles
844 Norwegian Vikings Raid Seville
1066 Norman Conquest, Battle of Hastings
1068-1071 Siege of Bari
1096-1270 Early Crusades
1274-1580 Later Crusades
1098 Siege of Jerusalem
1202 Siege of Zara
1258 Ghengis Khan Captures and Sacks Baghdad, Capital of the Abassids
1289 Battle of Campaldino
1302 Battle of the Golden Spurs
1339-1453 Hundred Year's War
1346 Battle of Neville's Cross
1356 Battle of Poitiers
1410 Battle of Tennenberg
1428-29 Siege of Orleans
1453 Constantinople, Last Remnant of the Byzantium Empire Falls
1565 Siege of Malta
1571 Lepanto
1575 Battle of Tukaroi
1576 Battle of Gogunda
1588 Spanish Armada Devestated Along English Coast
1642-1649 English Civil War
1683 Siege of Vienna
1688 Revolution of 1688
1755-1763 French and Indian War
1775-1783 American Revolution
1775-76 Siege of Boston
1777 Battles of the Saratoga
1789-1799 French Revolution
1793 Siege of Toulon
1794 Battle of the First of June
1796-97 Siege of Mantua
1800-1815 Napoleonic Wars
1812-1814 War of 1812
1818 Battle of Maipu
1830 Revolutions of 1830
1854-85 Siege of Sepvastopol
1845-85 Siege of Kartoum
1846-1848 Mexican-American War
1846 Battle of Sobraon
1848 Revolutions of 1848
1853-1856 Crimean War
1861-1865 The American Civil War
1862 Battle of Seven Pines
1862 Battle of Perryville
1877 Siege of Pleven
1880-1881 Boer Wars [South Africa Against Britian]
Spanish-American War
1899-1902 Phillipine-American War
1899-1902 Boer Wars [South Africa Against Britian]
1910-1920 Mexican Revolution
1914-1918 World War I
1916 First Battle of the Somme
1917-1921 Russian Revolution / Bolshevik Revolution
1935-1936 Italo-Ethiopian War
1936-1939 Spanish Civil War
1939-1945 World War II
1942-43 Stalingrad
1943 Normandy Invasion
1944-45 Battle of the Bulge
Siege of Leningrad
1948 - TodayIsrael-Arab Conflicts
1950-1953 Korean War
1957-1975 Vietnam War
1971 India-Pakistan War (Bangladesh)
1966 - 1976 Cultural Revolution
1979-1989 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War
1982 Falkland War
1983 American Invasion of Grenada
Tienamin Square
1989 American Invasion of Panama
1991-Today Persian Gulf War
1992 Bosnia
1999 NATO War on Serbia

Research Links

On-line Enclyclopedia
Netscape Reference Encyclopedias History

Military History


Peter Hébert
c/o The Learning Tower
13252 Country Ridge Drive
Germantown, Maryland 20874
Phone (301) 540-9328

This Web Site was conceived by Peter Hébert.
© 1999 The Learning Tower is an educational non-profit organization.

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