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Thrills and Chills Without the Spills
Roller Coaster Physics for Middle School Students
Click Here to Learn More About the Project Requirements

Project Instructions
Project Data
Student Area
Teacher Area
Reference Material
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Discussion Area


Take the Challenge:  Design and build a roller coaster that creates thrills and chills without the spills!
  • Progress Journal - Throughout the project, students will complete a journal answering essential questions.
  • Scavenger Hunt - Each question on the Scavenger Hunt will have a three point value.  Partial credit can be given.
  • Data Analysis of One Hill Roller Coaster Speed Trials - Teacher and students should verify the average speed data submitted by the participants from the listserve.  If more than one set of data is submitted for the same construction material, the average from all the trials may be computed.
  • Laboratory Report - Following the one hill roller coaster activity, students will formulate a written hypothesis describing the construction material and track design to use for the fastest roller coaster.  They will justify their hypotheses based upon their data analysis.
  • Scale Drawing of Competition Roller Coaster - include information about the construction material and track design.  Submit drawings on the listserve or mail them to the webmaster at Lincoln Elementary School, 66 Bartlett Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
  • Self-grading Performance Rubric for the Competition Roller Coaster - 
Points Earned
Has minimum one hill, one loop and utilized exactly 4.0 meters of track
Marble traveled around loop
Marble reached end of track
Marble stayed on the track
Marble did not break the tissue (marble must stay on the track until the end)
Compute the total number of points earned from each of the five trials to obtain your total score out of a possible 50 points. 
  • Advertisement  - Students should create an advertisement persuading tourists to try out their roller coasters.
  • Teacher Generated Quizzes - Cover any relevant science, math, language arts, and/or workplace readiness skills.