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Artistic Development

Rhythm / Dynamics The Step Dance
one little step ;  that's right               
two little steps;  left right                
now lets jump; two feet       
twirl around; nice and neat 
hand in hand; partners go round

[e ee e g e ]
[f ff f a e ]
[g gg b g ]
[a aa c cc ]
[b db ac g a]

  • start by having children clap hands or stomp feet to a simple beat (1,2, 34)
  • step forward and back on "that's right" / "left right" 
  • step side by side on "two feet"
  • twirl around 
  • take partner's hand and dance around in circle
  Percussion Activity

play follow the leader, marching to different rhythms and dynamics

  • demonstrate different rhythms and dynamics while standing on-the-spot
  • use techniques while marching/moving
  • children can take turns to lead the activity once they have a good understanding of variations
  The Drum Walk

Walk, walk, walk, 
When the drum says walk,
When the drum says stop
We stop.

  • use a drum to create a steady slow rhythm (1   2   3   4   )
  • have children say "sh" to the beat, then clap to the beat, and then stomp feet to the beat
  • children then walk or march to the beat of the drum and stop when the drum stops, raising hands in the air signifying "stop" then continue moving when drum continues 
  • children can take turns using the drum --demonstrating steady beat
  Hot and Cold

select something to be "it" and hide the object while the detective is out of room or has eyes covered

using rhythm or dynamics as cues (hot and cold) assist the detective to find the hidden object

  • sing, clap hands,  or play an instrument in varying methods
  • ex. high / low
  • ex. loud / soft
  • ex. fast / slow
Notation Traffic Signs
  • children pretend to be driving cars
  • using large symbol cards as traffic signs, direct traffic
create traffic signs fortraffic sign
  • whole note
  • half note
  • quarter note
  • eighth note
  • rest
  • have children decorate their own personal license plate and use a paper plate for a steering wheel
  • children travel around area (indoors or outdoors)
  • signs (held up) indicate speed to travel
  Keyboard Twister


  • create a keyboard one octave long using chalk on pavement, tape on floor, or sewn material
  • create a twister board identifying foot/ hand as well as letter of keyboard (c, e, f etc.)
  • play game as you would 'Twister"
  Rhythm Chant

"leather mitten, leather mitten, beanbag, cup"

(repeat sequence twice)

sample items: 
  • leather mitten
  • soapy water
  • running shoe
  • beanbag
  • cup

(thanks to Miranda for this activity as well as other activities she had suggestions for)

(try it with letters to improve literacy skills: w,w, st, c)


  • gather two sets of each item (having names of 1 -4 syllables long)
  • place the objects in a box or bag and have children select 4 items to create the chant with
  • each object name gets one full beat (1/4 note)-- so "leather mitten" has to be said quickly (1/16 notes)
  • try doing it with clapping and chanting, and then just clapping
Singing Sing the Scale

while climbing/descending stairs, sing the scale according to which direction you are going

  • this is a fun little activity to do with a child while holding their hand on the stairs
  • the child can determine which direction to go at first while the adult sings, until they understand the scale and the process
  • you can adapt the rhythm as you step up and down, and don't forget to take two steps at a time on occasion
  Name Song

Sing everyone's names varying the notes for each syllable

Other Songs

  Simon Says

Simon Says "sing high" etc.

  • select a word or phrase to sing 
  • sing according to the directions given by "Simon"
  • high, low, loud, soft, fast, slow
  • use proper terminology (below)
  adagio = a slow pace
andante = moderately slow
andantino = less moderately
allegro = quick and lively
allegretto = moderately quickly
largo = broad and slow
larghetto = less than largo
lento = leisurely slow
moderato = moderate time
presto = faster than allegro
prestissimo = very fast time
crescendo = gradually louder
decrescendo = decreasingly
diminuendo = gradually softer
estindo = barely audible
forte-piano = loud then soft
forte = loud
fortissimo = very loud
Creative Movement

(see Creative Movement Page)

  • change the speed of movement (fast, slow)
  • change the space used: height, width (big, little)
  • change the force of the movement (hard, soft)
  • change the directions followed (forward, left)
  • move by oneself or with a partner or group 
  • use a prop (ribbon, bells etc) 
  • change the lighting of the area 
  • add music, rhythms, other sounds 
  • interpret music, a picture, a story, a poem
  • enjoy, acknowledge, encourage, accept 

Instruments Instrument Bingo

play bingo using the different types of instruments
 (ex. woodwinds/ brass etc)

  • create bingo cards 
  • discuss types of instruments and their sounds
  • draw a card indicating the type of instrument or...
  • play an instrument (behind a screen or from a cassette) 
Appreciation Balloon Music

listen to music through a balloon.  How does this affect the sound?

  Paint a Song

play a piece of classical music or other style;
have children paint the picture it created in their minds

  • vary the types of music... how are they different?
  • listen to two pieces then re-listen to each painting a picture following each piece
  Painting variation

create a mural together with "designs" that match the music --not restricted to a picture

  • encourage children to create quickly and intuitively
  • the marks can be big and wild if it feels right
  Mystery Sounds

using metal spoons and wooden spoons as mallets create and record sounds around the house that are 'PLEASANT' to hear

  • create sounds and discuss timbres and rhythms created
  • discuss whether everyone likes the sound created or not and why
  • tape the sounds and later play it back and tell how the sound was created
  Classical Kids

play one of the 8 cassettes/cds which mix music with music history regarding the great composers


Classical Kids Collection...

Order it through CHAPTERS!
Classical Kids Collection...

Classical Kids Collection...


listen to the story and discuss

how does the music affect the story?


Very powerful storytelling along with music appreciation and history.

  Rehearsal Visits

visit a group's rehearsal (with permission)
-check out choirs, bands, symphonies, dance companies etc.

  • ask permission to visit a group's rehearsal time
  • listen to the conductor's directions
  • watch and listen to the participants
  • discuss after --making note of what children attended to
  Personal Tape

create your own personal tape of favourite music


copyright protects the author/composer/performer

we love to hear the music, so honour the copyright laws -purchase the originals so they can afford to create more!

  • listen to a variety of music --from classical to jazz and discuss preferences etc.
  • add the favourites to a tape (making a list of titles, composers and performers)
  • continually add to this library



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Any more ideas?? Please share them!
copyright 1999, Debbie Roswell