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The Wind

(hush little baby)

I know the wind is here when the leaves start to dance
I know the wind is here when shirt tails prance
I know the wind is here when the trees are bending low
I know the wind is here when the flags start to blow.
  • how can you tell if the wind is here?
  • draw pictures of the wind in action
  • create a flag to hang outside
Spring Days 1 little, 2 little, 3 little spring days
4 little, 5 little, 6 little spring days
7 little, 8 little, 9 little spring days
10 little days of spring

Wind and rain and tiny little lady bugs
Flowers, planting, and little garden bugs
Baby animals waiting for a hug
All tell me it's spring time.

  • sing the song while skipping, twirling at the words wind and rain, scrunching down on the word bugs
  • create a counting flannel board story using symbols of spring
  • visit a farm and start your own garden

(you are my sunshine)

This is my rain hat
This is my rain coat
These are my rubber boots
For walking in the rain
It makes me happy
To hear the rain drops
Fall on my umbrella
This way.
  • create sound effects for raindrops falling on an umbrella
  • what other sound effects for spring can you make? (boots in the mud, birds, wind etc.)
  • take a photo of self, and add rainwear using markers, paints, crayons, or cut out paper shapes
Robins Little Robin Red-breast
Comes in spring and builds a nest
First blue eggs
Then little baby birds
Eating, chirping, and taking a rest.
  • act out nest building, and baby birds resting etc.
  • what do robins make their nests out of?
  • create a nest material store by hanging various types of yarns and other materials from a branch to see what, if any of it,  is used for nest building

(I'm a little teapot)

Look in a book and what do you see
Adventure, fun, and mystery
When you open it up to see what's inside
Pictures and words all come alive.
  • create books of own
  • read non-picture books and create own pictures to tell the story
Chigga Bigga Chigga Bigga, Chigga Bigga
Floatin', and sinkin'
Chigga Bigga, Chigga Bigga
Stickin together- they're mixin' and linkin'
Chigga Bigga, Chigga Bigga, 
Noodles in soup, 
Chigga Bigga, Chigga Bigga
Too much water and they turn to goop
  • rhythm chant the words
  • dance to the ditty
  • make some soup and watch the different textures of noodles 
  • discuss before/after; cause and effect
  • compare noodles; chart favourites
Good Morning

(eensy weensy spider)

Good morning all you people
The sun says hi to all below
Let me shake your hand
And nod my head hello

Are you feeling sad today?
A hug is what I give to you
Or are you feeling happy?
You can have hugs too.

a little 'greeting' dance

Need music??

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Any more ideas?? Please share them!
copyright 1999, Debbie Roswell