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IoW HBA Logo

The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Photo~Scrapbook Pages.

Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

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Select the Photo page of interest.....

To first page of St Mary's 2003 fun day Photos.
St Mary's FUN DAY 2003
{ Page 1.}  ¦  { Page 2.}  ¦  { Page 3.}  
Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance.
Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance 2003
2002 Jubilee Fun Day
St. Mary's 2002 Fun Day
Link to St. Mary's Fete 2001 with Jet Harris.
St. Mary's Fete 2001 with Jet Harris (60's group -The Shadows)
IOW HondaGoldwing owners club with HBA
The IOW Honda Goldwing owners club support HBA
Newtown Carol Service.
The I.o.W HBA Newtown Carol Service.
Link to Loud Tie Day photos with Mark King
St. Mary's Loud Tie day with Mark King (Lead singer -Level 42)

Members of:-

HBA Logo

Contact us for more details.... UK 01983 534396

This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2003 © Alex Blades