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Individuals from Chrisman Pedigree, page 91

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Joan De_Bostock

Father: Adam De_Bostock
Birth: AFT 1179 Davenham,Chester Co.,England

m: Robert Wyther (ABT 1179-)


  • Reginald Wyther (ABT 1205-) m. Isabel Winstanleye (ABT 1210-) , children: 1. Thomas Wither (ABT 1240-).

    Adam De_Bostock

    Birth: ABT 1130 Davenham,Chester Co.,England


  • Joan De_Bostock (AFT 1179-) m. Robert Wyther (ABT 1179-) , children: 1. Reginald Wyther (ABT 1205-).

    Johan George Chrisman

    Father: Johan Valentine Chrisman
    Mother: Anna Maria Hubner
    Birth: 28 OCT 1697 Pfungstadt,Hesse-Darmstadt,Germany
    Death: 7 MAY 1758 Pennsylvania,probably,Montgomery Co.
    Came to America 21 June 1729 on the ship Mortonhouse, Master:James Coultes. Appears on list A as "Dirick Greesman" [S-H I:24, 26,27], [Bergert, "Pfungstadt", 1995, p. 3]. Came with Marya (Greesman on A list)
    Took oath at Philadelphia Court House on 19 Aug 1729. Naturalization by Act, 1739, as George Creesman [Bergert p.4]
    !Birth: Pfungstadt Lutheran Church Archives, #109 in Crossman History p.100, reads: "Cro:ssmann, Joh Georg, born 28-10-1697, Father: Joh.Valentin, Mother: Anna Maria"
    !Birth-Baptism: [Burgert, "18th Cent. Em. from Pfungstadt", 1995, p.3]. Sp:Georg Steinmetz.
    !Marriage(1-5): A Partial History of the Crossman-Kressman-Cressman- Crissman-Crisman Family, Supplement 2, Johan Georg Crosmann "Jurg" (1697-1758), compiled by John H. Kressman, pub. The Cressman Family Association, Nov. 1996, p.1.
    !Marriage(2): A Partial History of the Cressman-Kressman-Crissman Family claims that Frederick was born before he immigrated by some unidentified mother in Pfungstadt. However, since no birth record for Frederick is known, there is no good basis for believing this -- it is possible Frederick was born later than known by mother Maria Agatha, and that Maria Agatha was his first wife. [Bergert, 1995, p.4] lists him as having only three wives.
    !Marriage(3): In Pfungstadt Lutheran Church Archives, #166 in Crossman History, pg.103: "Cro:ssmann, Joh Georg, Father: C. Johann Velten - married 21-8-1728 Maria Agatha Gautner of Eberstadt"
    !Marriage(4): Before 30 Aug 1747, via the following baptism record: "Gaugler, Johan Ju:rg, son of Kilian and Anna Margretha; born Aug 4, bap. 30 Aug 1747. sponsors: Johann Ju:rg Croesman and wife Catharina." in Augustus Lutheran Church Records, Pa.Germ.Soc.Proc., Vol.4, p.196.
    !Marriage(5): Records of Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Church: "Hans Jurg Croesman (widower) and Eleanor Herman (widow) 9-9-1755", transcription by M. Arnold in "Crossman, partial history".
    !Marriage(4): "Hans Ju:rg Croesman (widower) m. Eleonora Hermanin (widow) 7 Sep 1755 in New Hanover" ["Records of Marriages at Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Church, Trappe Pa" in Penn. German Soc. Proc., Vol 7, p. 493]
    Sponsor of birth: "Johan Georg Marstaller, son of Johan Georg and Anna Margeretha, b. Jun 14, 1731, bap. July 4, 1731, sponsor: Joh. Georg Kro:ssman Senior" ["Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Records" Pa.Germ.Soc.Proc.4:177]
    Sponsor of birth: "Georg Marstaller, s. Friedrich, b. May 24, 1736, bap. Jun 1, 1736, sponsor: Johan Georg Cro:sman" in ["Augustus Ev.Luth.Records", Pa Germ. Soc. Proc.Vol. 4:p.177]
    On 25 Dec 1742, the Rev. Henry Melchoir Muhlenburg recorded an agreement between himself and the Deacons and Elders at New Hanover, which included the signatures of Johann Nicholaus Croessmann, Georg Croesman the saddler, and Johann Georg Croesmann (the last being him). ["The Journals of Henry Melchoir Muhlenburg", Vol. 1, pg. 74 translated by T.G. Tappert and J.W. Doberstein. Pub. by the Evan. Luth. Ministerium of Pa & Muhlenberg Press, 1942].
    Dec 1744: In the December Court of Quarter Sessions, Philadelphia Co., 1744, a petition of Jost Cope was signed by about 42 people. Among the names are: Gorg Grossman, Johannes Gross(man), John Georg Crossman, Johannes Crossman. The petition concerned a proposed road through Franconia Township. It is printed in ["History and Genealogy of the Reed Family", by W. H. Reed, Norristown, Pa, 1929, in the Boston Public Library, pg. 448]
    Appears on a list of members of New Providence Evangelical Congregation (later Trappe) on 27 Nov 1760, either as "Cresman, Jo:rg, 15s". [Penn.German Soc. Proc, Vol.7]
    He is probably also the one mentioned in Muhlenburg's Journal Vol. 1, pg. 606, on March 11, 1763 (friday) as follows: "Visit from Ju:rg Croesman and Wambold, of Indianfield..."
    Note: There is a will filed for George Cressman, 1770, in Philadelphia ( I haven't viewed text yet). Could it be him? [Williams, Richard T. & Mildred C., "Index of Wills and Administration Records for Philadelphia, Pa" Vol.1, (1682-1782), Danboro, Pa. 1971-2.]
    A "George Gryzeman" purchased 100 acres in Philadelphia County on 29 Dec 1739. This was probably him.
    "Monocacy and Catoctin: Some Settlers of West Md. and adjacent Pa. and their descendants 1725-1988" by C. E. Schildknecht ed., Family Line Pub. 1989, Vol. II, pg. 46] lists "George Croessman and son Frederick (b. 1728 at Pfungstadt) (Funkstown) nr. Darmstadt emig. to Westminster area (Reunion Com)."

    m: Anna Elisabeth Gottdiener (- 3 JAN 1716/1717)

    on 2 AUG 1715 at Pfungstadt,Hesse-Darmstadt,Germany


  • unnamed Chrisman ( 3 JAN 1716/1717- 5 JAN 1716/1717)


  • Frederick Chrisman ( FEB 1727-26 APR 1826)

    m: Maria Agatha Gautner (-BEF 30 JUL 1747)

    on 21 OCT 1728 at Lutheran Church,Pfungstadt,Germany


  • Johan Nicholas Chrisman (17 SEP 1730- 1812) m. Elisabeth Langenecker on 20 NOV 1753 at Lutheran Church,Trappe,Montgomery Co.,Pennsylvania, children: 1. John Chrisman ( JUL 1755- 1820), 2. Daniel Chrisman ( 1762- 1795), 3. Nicholas Chrisman ( 1757-BEF 7 APR 1814), 4. Mary Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 5. Susannah Chrisman (ABT 1768-), 6. Esther Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 7. Deborah Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 8. Sarah Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 9. George Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 10. Jacob Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 11. Elizabeth Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814).
  • John Chrisman (29 JUL 1734-ABT 1805) m. Maria Magdalena "Mary" [---] (11 JUN 1744- OCT 1824) on BEF 20 MAY 1762, children: 1. George Chrisman (ABT 1765/1766-AFT 22 OCT 1788), 2. Susanna Chrisman, 3. Anna Catharine Chrisman (18 SEP 1767-), 4. John Chrisman ( 1770/1774-AFT 1850), 5. David Chrisman (12 APR 1773-13 JAN 1841), 6. Aaron Chrisman ( 1779- 1816), 7. Maria Chrisman (26 JUL 1782-).

    m: Catherine [---] (ABT 1698- 7 NOV 1754)

    on BEF 30 AUG 1747

    m: Eleanor Herman

    on 7 SEP 1755 at Lutheran Church,New Hanover,Montgomery Co.,Pennsylvania

    Maria Agatha Gautner

    Father: Johann George Gautner
    Birth: of,Eberstadt,Germany
    Death: BEF 30 JUL 1747 ,Pennsylvania
    !Immigration: On the ship "Mortonhouse", as "Marya Greesman", 1729, with her husband [S-H I:24], [Bergert, "Pfungstadt", 1995, p. 3]
    !Father: Identified in [Bergert, 1995, p.3]
    April 1733: "Johan George's wife Maria Agatha" present as a sponsor at Augusta Trappe Lutheran Church for a child of Daniel Raush.
    Death date is not known (beyond the fact that it must have been before the succeeding marriage of George). There is a record in Pa.Germ.Soc.Proc, Vol.4, p.221, reading: "Baptism, Becker, Susanna, dau. Peter and Elizabeth, b. Sep 1, bap. Sep 7, 1756. Sponsors Susanna Hermanin, Jurg Croesman and wife". It is unknown which of the three George's in the area was this sponsor (I suspect it was his half brother), but if by chance this was Maria Agatha's husband, it would narrow down her death to within about 2 years (since it would indicate that she was alive on Sep 7, 1756).

    m: Johan George Chrisman (28 OCT 1697- 7 MAY 1758)

    on 21 OCT 1728 at Lutheran Church,Pfungstadt,Germany


  • Johan Nicholas Chrisman (17 SEP 1730- 1812) m. Elisabeth Langenecker on 20 NOV 1753 at Lutheran Church,Trappe,Montgomery Co.,Pennsylvania, children: 1. John Chrisman ( JUL 1755- 1820), 2. Daniel Chrisman ( 1762- 1795), 3. Nicholas Chrisman ( 1757-BEF 7 APR 1814), 4. Mary Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 5. Susannah Chrisman (ABT 1768-), 6. Esther Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 7. Deborah Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 8. Sarah Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 9. George Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 10. Jacob Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814), 11. Elizabeth Chrisman (-AFT 7 APR 1814).
  • John Chrisman (29 JUL 1734-ABT 1805) m. Maria Magdalena "Mary" [---] (11 JUN 1744- OCT 1824) on BEF 20 MAY 1762, children: 1. George Chrisman (ABT 1765/1766-AFT 22 OCT 1788), 2. Susanna Chrisman, 3. Anna Catharine Chrisman (18 SEP 1767-), 4. John Chrisman ( 1770/1774-AFT 1850), 5. David Chrisman (12 APR 1773-13 JAN 1841), 6. Aaron Chrisman ( 1779- 1816), 7. Maria Chrisman (26 JUL 1782-).

    John Chrisman

    Father: Johan George Chrisman
    Mother: Maria Agatha Gautner
    Birth: 29 JUL 1734 Trappe,Montgomery Co.,Pennsylvania
    Death: ABT 1805 Sullivan Co.,Tennessee
    Moved to Maryland. Later moved to Loudon Co., Virginia between 1784 & 1788.
    He gave 10 shillings as a contribution to help the people of Boston during the British blockade. He was a signer of a petition in 1768 to move the Courthouse to Baltimore and was serving as an Associator for Frederick County, Maryland, on December 27, 1775.
    -------------------------------------------------------------------- !Baptism: Records of Augustus Evangelical Lutheran Church, [Pa.German.Soc.Proc., Vol.4, p.178], reads: "Cra:ssman, Johannes, [s. Johan Georg and -----], b. July 29, 1734, bap. Aug 11, 1734.
    In the will of John Niklos Kressman (his uncle) dated 1 Jan 1755 and probated 21 Jan 1755, recorded in Book K, #158, page 246 in Philadelphia, and reprinted in "Crossman, a partial history.." p.7-8, he states: "I do give and bequeath unto my Brother George Kressman, his three Sons Frederick, Nicklos and John Kressman that house and lot on ground in Mulberry Street through to Apple Tree Alley and likewise [they]shall out [?] the moveables Thirty Pounds in goods or money of Pennsylvania equally divided between them three brothers to keep and hold all the aforesaid Estate and Goods for them and their Heirs and assigns forever.." Also "I do Friend Keil Jan Gaugler, my Brother's George's son, John Kressman, and my wife Mary to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament."
    4 Nov 1758: "John Chrisman" of Frederick County, Maryland, "Cordwainer", purchased land from "Aberhiark Apler", Millwright of Frederick Co. The property was located on "Little Pipe Creek" in Frederick County. [Fred.Co. land deeds for 1758, p. 607.] -- This is the earliest land purchase for any of the Chrisman clan in Maryland. 20 Nov 1760 Land purchase in Fred Co., Maryland from "Libly Sumner" (p.482) 20 May 1762: John Chrisman sells land to Philip Boyer, both of Frederick Co., for 184, "Deeps Situate" on Litts Vipas Creek, dower consent by Mary, wife of John Chrisman [Boog G, pg. 513] 15 Nov 1763: Land Purchase from "John Philips" at "Walnut Bottom" [H:670] 8 Oct 1765: Deed in trust from John Grider/Krieder to John Chrisman for purpose of establishing the St. Benjamin's (or Kreider's or Pipe Creek) Evangelical Lutheran Church [K:56] 30 Oct 1765: Land purchase in Fred. Co., Maryland from "Devalt Goung" (p.243) 2 Aug 1765: John Chrisman and Catherine Williams give bond in Frederick Co., Maryland as executors of the estate of John Williams. Recorded 7 Apr 1764. [Maryland State Archives, Testamentary Proceedings Liber 41, pg. 152]
    4 Apr 1763: "John Chrissman of the town of Westminster" Fred. Co, Md, "Cordwainer", sold a 24 acre lot called "pleasant Meadows" to "George Burns" of Fred.Co. for 100 pounds. John's wife, Mary, appeared on the same day to relinquish her rights of dower. (p.1126). On the same day, "John Chrissman" of Fred. Co. sold 100 acres called "Walnutt Bottom" situated on Tams Creek to Emanuel Brower of Fred.Co. for 100 pounds, w/Mary his wife relinquishing her rights of dower. (p.1143)
    31 Aug 1768: "John Crisman" purchased land from "William Winchester" in Fred. Co., Maryland.
    In 1768 he was one of the signers of a petition to move the Courthouse to Baltimore. On 27 Dec 1775 he was serving as an Associator for Frederick County, Maryland. And during the revolution he gave 10 shillings as a contribution to help the people of Boston during the British blockade ["Crossman, partial history, p. 331].
    He also signed an oath of Allegence and Fidelity during the revolution from Frederick County. On that same list appears "George Chrisman, Jr.", who was probably his son.
    22 Apr 1773: Samuel Cohoon of Frederick Co., to John Chrisman "The Resurvey of Timber Ridge" [deed book V:13]
    22 May 1773: John and Frederick Chrisman were securities for the bond of Mary Durbin on her administration of William Durbin, dec'd. Recorded 20 Sep 1773 [MD state archives Testamentary Proceedings Book 45:pg. 200]
    28 Mar 1775: John Chrisman to Christopher Meyers, both of Frederick Co., leases Lot No. 17 in Westminster [Deed Book BD:271]. Same day: Charles Clance to John Chrisman, merchant, both of Westminster, purchases lot No. 25 in Westminster, part of "Timber Ridge" [BD:282]
    4 Nov 1777: William Winchester to John Chrisman, Shopkeeper, both of Westminster, sells "Bedford's Resurvey" [RP1:272]
    The births and baptisms of some of his children (Anna Catharine, David, and Maria) are shown in the records at St. Benjamin's German Lutheran and Reformed Church at Pipe Creek, Westminster, Frederick County, Maryland. Also in those records are the confirmations of his "Catharine and Susannah Cressman", his daughters, in 1784.
    24 Jan 1778: "John Chriessman of Frederick County", Maryland, agreed to rent Edward Lamb of Frederick County a one acre lot of land in "Westminster Town", comprising numbers 10, 11, 13, and 14 on the southwest side of Main Street. The lot was called "New London" and was part of a larger tract called "Timber Ridge" [Fred.Co. land records, filed 29 Jan 1778, folio 1, pg. 24]
    13 June 1778: John Chrisman of Frederick Co., to Peter Dion of Westminster, lease on lot Nos. 45 and 46 in Westminseter [RP1:404] Same day: John Chrisman of Westminster to Mary Darneck, spinster, lease on lot No. 18 in Westminster. She shall pay William Wincester annually. Witness: Frederick Chrisman. [RP:405]
    18 July 1778: John Chrisman, farmer, to Martin Lautenslayle, weaver, both of Frederick Co., lease on lot No. 8, in Westminster [RP:417]
    1 Oct 1778: John Chrisman to John Yingling, both of Westminster, sells "Resurvey of Timber Ridge". Dower consent by Mary, wife of John Chrisman. [Deed book RP1, pg. 483]
    24 Jan 1779: "Anthony Lindsay of Frederick County", "Joiner", and his wife Rachel sold "John Chriesman" a large 171 acre lot of land called "England Chance" in Frederick County for 1,024 pounds. The land bordered a land owned by Mathias Haley and also bordered a lot called "Pork Hall". [filed 19 Apr 1779, folio 1, p.447]
    The final record of John and his wife Maria Magdalena at the St. Benjamin's Church was the confirmation of his two daughters in 1784. Sometime between then and 1787 he moved to Loudon Co, Virginia, as shown by the following power of attorney record filed both in Frederick County, Maryland and in Loudon County, Virginia:
    "Know all men by these present that I John Chriesman of the County of Loundon and State of Virginia... constitute and appoint my trusty Son George Chriesman of the County and State aforesaid my true and lawful Attorney for me in my name to make over unto Martin Winters of Frederick County and State of Maryland by a good and lawful Deed ... a Parcel of Land containing 171 acres known by the name of England's Chance" ... "formerly conveyed by Anthoney Lindey to me .. I have hereunto put by Hand and Seal this 2d dayof Novemeber [1787]" Witnessed by Thomas Edwards and Samuel Murray.
    1787: Loudon Co., Virginia, Tax Lists: John Chrisman, 1 Male (21+), 1 Male (16-21), 3 horses, 5 cattle. Also George Chrisman (who appears again in 1788 and 1789).
    22 Oct 1788: George Chrisman (his son) and wife Catharine filed the deed of sale to Martin Winters [folio 8, p.246].
    No other land records for John Chrisman were found in Loudon County at the Virginia archives. Although we know he was "of Loudon County" in 1787 and 1788, he does not appear on the census of Loudon County for 1790. There is a census entry in Frederick County, Maryland 1790, listing a "John Crossman" in Frederick City with himself, one female (and no children). Later, "John Grosman" voted in Frederick County in the presidential election on 9-12 Nov 1796. There were no additional land deeds for John Grossman in Frederick County after 1788. It is unknown whether these later occurrances of "John Grossman" in Frederick County could have been the same person, but I consider it highly unlikely, and believe that this John Grossman of Frederick City was a different individual, not yet placed, but possibly related to Simon Grossman.
    In about 1788, John Chrisman migrated to the Holsten River in Washington Co., Virginia, in the southwestern part of the state.
    7 Sep 1788: John Young to John Chrisman, both of Washington Co., 46 acres in Rich Valley, 50 pounds on the headwaters of the North Fork of the Holsten River. Acknowledged in Court on 9 Sep 1788 by John Young and Eve his wife [Washington Co., Va, deed book 1, pg 95]. Also abstracted in ["The Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800" by Lewis Preston Summers, L.P.Summers pub, Abingdon Virginia, 1929, p.1282-3].
    27 Jan 1789: Survey of 200 acres in Washington Co, Virginia, for John Chrisman (warrent No. 2387, issues 21 Feb 1783 to John Thomas, assigned to John Chrisman). Land located on the north side of Walkers Mountain, on North Fork of Holsten River, beginning at corner to the old survey and with a line thereof, top of Walker Mountain. Based on this survey, a Va Land Grant was issued to John Chrisman on 27 Dec 1800. Robert Preston, the surveyor, filed the warrant with the records of a survey of 232 acres made for Robert Craig on 22 Feb 1796. [Va. Land Grant Survey Files, Va. state archives]
    In about 1790, John Chrisman moved further down the Holsten River to Sullivan County, Tennessee (adjacent to Washington Co., Virginia, and also containing the North Fork of the Holsten River).
    11 Oct 1790: Survey of 100 acres in Sullivan Co., NC (now Tenn), for John Chrisman (warrent No. 122). Land entered 29 Feb 1780 by Robert Stewart. Land begins on the west side of the Holsten River, beginning at Jean Carr's corner. Based on this survey, a land grand was issued to John Chrisman on 9 July 1794. [NC Land Grant No. 630, Book 81, pg. 637]
    Same Day: Survey of 200 acroes in Sullivan Co. NC/Tenn for John Chrisman (Warrant 550). Land entered 29 Apr 1780 by John Prichard, later to John Riley, then to John Chrisman. Located on West side of Holsten River, including the improvements where Joames McKain formerly lived, beginning at Jean Carr's corner and at corner of previously mentioned survey for John Chrisman, and near Thomas Barton's line and Samuel Luney's orphan's line. Grant issued to John Chrisman on 9 July 1794 [NC Land Grant #625, Book 81, pg. 629].
    23 May 1796: John Chrisman, Senr of Sullivan Co., Tenn, sells land to John Spurgin of Sullivan Co., 72 acres. Acknowledged on Court 3 Jun 1796, by John Chrisman. [Tenn Deed book 3:22]
    16 July 1796: Washington Co., VA Deed book "Page 468. July 16, 1796. John Chrisman to Adam Miller. 88 pounds. 46 acres in Rich Valley, waters of the North Fork" [Summers p.1315]. Note -- this is the land purchased on 7 Sep 1788.
    1796 Sullivan County, Tax Lists: John Chrisman, 228 acres, John Chrisman 1 WP, and David Chrisman 1 WP. (in 1797 tax lists, Aaron Chrisman is the only one listed, but listed with 228 acres).
    28 Aug 1797: John Chrisman, Senr, of Sullivan Co., Tenn, sells 300 acres to Adam Kishlar of York Co., Penn. for 800 dollars. Acknowledged in Court 29 Aug 1797 by John Chrisman [Sullivan Co. Tenn deed book 32:127] This land is located on the south side of the Holsten River, at the nobs, under the nobs, Smith's line. Note: No record has been found if this land being sold or granted to John Chrisman. Ross Chappell conjectures that it might have been inherited by his wife.
    20 Apr 1802: John Chrisman and Mary his wife, of Washington Co., Virginia, sell land to Adam Miller of Washington Co., Virginia, 200 acres for 105 lbs. It was the land granted to John Chrisman on 26 Dec 1800, warrant no. 2387, issued 21 Jan 1783, surveyed 27 Jan 1789. Acknowledged in Court 20 Apr 1802 by John Chrisman. [Washington Co., Virginia, Deed book 2, pg. 514]
    1803: Washington Co., Virginia, tax lists: John Chrisman 200 acres. (No chrisman's appear in the tax lists from 1793-1802 or in 1804) [Why does he appear? Didn't he just sell this land in 1802?]
    1805: Washington Co., Virginia: John Chrisman, 200 acres. (No chrisman appears in 1806). [Why does this appear? Wasn't it sold in 1802?]
    After his death:
    20 Feb 1806: Indenture between Thomas Rockhold, Sheriff of Sullivan Co., and Edward Cox of Sullivan Co. Whereas the previous sheriff, by virtue of a writ of execution and attachment dated 24 Dec 1799, in a suit Edward Cox vs. John Chrisman, exposed to public sale lots No. 8 and 9 in the town of Middletown. Edward Cox was the highest bidder, $56, but the former sherriff failed to convey the land to Cox. The present sheriff, John Rockhold, now conveys John Chrisman's right and title to the lots to Edward Cox. Sullivan Co., Court 11 July 1808. [Sullivan Co., Tenn., Deed book 5:133]
    1807: Washington Co., Virginia tax lists: John Chrisman, 200 acres. (Why is he still listed if he's dec'd? Could this be his son?) No Chrismans in 1808 or 1809.

    m: Maria Magdalena "Mary" [---] (11 JUN 1744- OCT 1824)

    on BEF 20 MAY 1762


  • George Chrisman (ABT 1765/1766-AFT 22 OCT 1788) m. Sally Rector ( 5 JAN 1778-) on 22 FEB 1796 at Fauquier Co.,Virginia, children: 1. Horatio Chriesman ( 1797-).
  • Susanna Chrisman
  • Anna Catharine Chrisman (18 SEP 1767-) m. Fredrik Shell on 23 FEB 1790 at Washington Co.,Virginia
  • John Chrisman ( 1770/1774-AFT 1850) m. Elizabeth Withers ( 1780/1784-BEF 20 APR 1849) on 3 SEP 1805 at German Reform Ch,Frederick Co.,Maryland, children: 1. Mary Withers Chrisman ( 1807-AFT 1880), 2. Catherine Chrisman ( 1808-), 3. William Withers Chrisman ( 9 SEP 1810-), 4. John Chrisman ( 1812-), 5. Sarah Chrisman, 6. Rebecca Chrisman, 7. Elizabeth Chrisman, 8. Esther Chrisman, 9. Ann Maria (Meriah) Chrisman ( 5 MAR 1822-10 FEB 1865), 10. Frances Virginia "Jenny" Chrisman (14 DEC 1825-19 DEC 1877), 11. Charles F. Chrisman ( 5 APR 1835- 5 OCT 1887).
  • David Chrisman (12 APR 1773-13 JAN 1841) m(1). Jemima [---] , children: 1. George W. Chrisman ( 1801- 1881), 2. Marcus D. Chrisman ( 1804-), 3. Mary A. Chrisman ( 1807-), 4. Samuel D. Chrisman ( 1809-), 5. Ruth Y. Chrisman ( 1812-), 6. Matilda W. Chrisman ( 1815- 1860), 7. David Vance Chrisman ( 1820- 1871).m(2). Mary [---] on JAN 1839
  • Aaron Chrisman ( 1779- 1816) m. Sarah [---] (-ABT 1854) , children: 1. Thomas H. Chrisman ( 1802- 1880), 2. Polly Ann Chrisman (ABT 1804-), 3. Alfred Chrisman (ABT 1806-AFT 1840), 4. Lydia Ann Chrisman (ABT 1808-), 5. Silas Chrisman (ABT 1810-), 6. James H. Chrisman (ABT 1812-), 7. Betsey Chrisman (ABT 1814-), 8. Aaron W. Chrisman (ABT 1815-AFT 1840).
  • Maria Chrisman (26 JUL 1782-)
    Last Updated: July 3, 1998

    Lonnie Chrisman
    4824 Kingbrook Dr., San Jose, CA 95124