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Kate's Place Dolls > 18 inch Dolls > 18 inch Sewing Links

Samantha, In Her Karate Uniform

I am sure most of you already know this, but just to make sure these are links to other sites on the internet, and are not my patterns or ideas. I hope you all enjoy the hard work people have put into these and remember to e-mail if you like them (we webbies love e-mail!)

Pattern for an 18 inch Doll Bedspread and Dust Ruffle
This is really great if you have a bed and no blanket's!

18 inch Doll Wadrobe
They make this using foamcore

An Easy 9 Patch Doll Quilt for Beginners
This is a really pretty quilt I want to try and make it myself (This link was broken but is now fixed).

Ballerina Costume
Free ballerina costume pattern from auntie.com.

Doll Shoe Pattern
A shoe pattern for 18 inch dolls from "Stitch 'N Stuff" Last Updated, March 20, 2001

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