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Timothy Roderick's Words of the Season

The Sage speaks: My wise ones, have you noticed that the light of the Sun
has vanished little by little?
This is a sign that we must prepare for one of the great mystical hinges of
the year.
Soon darkness and night will hold us in their grasp. This tide of darkness
marks a season of celebration that my ancestors called Yule.

I remember a time long ago when my guides and mentors in the ways of
spirit would conjure at the sacred moss-clad stones, as the Sun was
reborn from the womb of night. After their magics, the elders
gathered to tell stories of their own ancient teachers, the Filid, who were seers
that lived long before any of us can remember. These people of the art
celebrated a midwinter festival that they called Alban Arthan.
Stories abound of them harvesting green sprigs of mistletoe from their
barren, sacred oak trees in honor of the season.
How that mistletoe must have been a spark of life in the midst of death for
the Filid!

As this tide approaches I see rivers and lakes freeze over. The trees are
frosted with snow and lie dormant, while animals sleep and dream for countless nights.
Look out at the silent, still world! It is from this ice and sleep that the glorious Sun, who quickens the world once more, is reborn.
Call the season Yule or Alban Arthan as you please, but awaken to knowing
that it is the same tide of darkness and rebirth for us as it was for our

It would be wise to learn from the Sun, my dearest. It teaches you that even
in the darkest of your life's circumstances there
are always green sprigs of light and hope, just like the Filid's mistletoe.
The birth of light happens when you recognize your own "sprigs" of potential and life at the center of darkness.
"But how," you ask, "do I recognize these?"

Ah, remember that even when a tree is dormant, or when an animal takes on
the winter sleep, it lives still. Though it may appear dead, it has simply
retreated from the world of the visible activity for rejuvenation and
Become as the sacred oak and move into your inner core, my child. Journey
within to your spiritual center, and you too will find a place of life's
renewal, hope, and rebirth.

Tread the path of Yule and attune to the magic and power of the season.

Winter Solstice Meditation

This is a guided imagery technique to help you discover your own potential
for rebirth in a difficult life circumstance. Before you begin,
think of a situation in which you need some resolution.
Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and imagine that you have
journeyed to an ancient oak grove that stands tall in the stillness of winter.
Snow covers the ground and the bark of the trees appears black from the saturation of rainwater and snow.
Stand at the base of a tree and think of the situation in which you need guidance.
Imagine that you project this situation like a movie onto the trunk of the tree.
Once the scene has finished and faded from the tree trunk, notice the sprig
of mistletoe that has grown from the spot.
A word is written on one of the leaves. This word is the key to the resolution
of your situation. Once you have read it you may open your eyes.
Use the message of the mistletoe to help you move into action.

Yule Fire spell

On the darkest night of the year, gather together three dried leaves of holly
and pulverize them into powder. On a clean, four inch by four inch piece of
parchment paper, write a single word in red ink that represents the quality or trait
you would like to be born within yourself with the new born Yule Sun.
Sprinkle the holly powder into the center of the paper and twist the whole thing closed
with the holly powder inside. Light the wick of a red candle and from this flame,
light the holly filled paper on fire. As it burns, see your wish fulfilled.
The spell is done.

Yule Log Magic

The Yule log is a remnant of the bonfires that the European pagans would set
ablaze at the time of winter solstice. These bonfires symbolized the return of the Sun.
the Yule log can be made of any wood. Each releases it's own kind of magic.
Aspen invokes understanding of the grand design.
Birch signifies new beginnings.
Holly inspires visions and reveals past lives.
Oak brings healing, strength, and wisdom.
Pine signifies prosperity and growth.
Willow invokes the Goddess to achieve desires.

On the night of Yule, carve a symbol of your hopes for the coming
year into the log. Burn the log to release it's power. Save a piece of this year's
Yule log for kindling in next year's fire.









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