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Ceaser's Page

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Sam's Pet World
Oman's only pet oriented services provider.

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Copyrights© 1998-1999
Sam's Pet Worl®
Last update on April, 1999

Whaat maan?? Doberman?? hehe.. yes that's me. Big and and strong. But I love people and all you have to do is see me before you fall for me.

Ceaser05.JPG (43713 bytes) Will you stop clicking away with your lousy camera.. if you don't I will stop you.. grrrr..
Ceaser02.JPG (518454 bytes) Eeeeyes Right..
Ceaser07.JPG (40585 bytes) Big?? who says I'm big? well I am only 2.4ft tall and a little overweight.. but what do you expect.. I have all I ever wanted in the world.. proper love and care and superb family.