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Chewy's Page

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Sam's Pet World
Oman's only pet oriented services provider.

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Copyrights© 1998-1999
Sam's Pet Worl®
Last update on April, 1999

Did somebody say play?? hehe, I love to play, even if it be 24hours a day. Ask them at Sam's Pet Vacation Home, I'm like 3 puppies they say. Having a high percentage of Char-pei mix blood in me, I bear the agility of a char-pei but sweetness of teddy bear.
Guess what?? Tarraaaaa.. I am now in CANADA
I am trying to adjust to this cold weather here and I'm sure I can manage.  Got a new home and it is FANTABULOUS. However did I get here?? Naaah ain't gonna tell you, but if you like watching movies then they should make a true story action film about me you are gonna love it.

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Yeah cute aren't I ?? Why Chewy?? Well what did you expect from a super dog that stays in a house.. instead of a football ground.. I'm bored to death, I have so much energy so when I'm dying of boredom I want something to play with and chew.. hehe.. chewy.. there you have it.
chewy&poupette01.jpg (16757 bytes) Talk about sweet memories. This here with me was my gal, her name was Poupette. She was the only one who would give me company and offer hours of nonstop playing and fun.Who ever said dogs don't have feelings??? I miss her very much. I guess she's somewhere that I can't reach.I still remember her bumping into doors.. she had only one eye.. hehe.. but she was fun.