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Through Emmy's Eyes
by Karen

I've watched the Daytime Emmys for so long at home, and this year at the event itself. I was so moved by all the emotions coming alive in the room that it started me thinking: What if the actual statue could talk? What would it say? Maybe something like this.....

" we go again. Another year, another group of winners -- who will I end up with tonight? Oh this is a change, the Outstanding Talk Show Host is up first. Wow, I can't believe that Oprah removed herself from the nominees. So, who will win? Wow, it's so hard to hear! The crowd is really up for this! Oh my, I'm going to Rosie? I'm going to Rosie O'Donnell!!! This shouldn't have surprised me -- she is popular and has brought entertainment back to daytime television. And how gracious to hold Oprah as a role model. Both class acts, all the way!!!!"

"All right, now what is the next category? Outstanding Younger Actor...why do I think this is a no brainer? He has to win again...this was his best work EVER!! Yep, I'd bet the farm I am going home with my good friend Jonathan Jackson. I am so amazed to see what a wonderful young man and actor he has become from when we first met in '95. The sky is the limit, so I hope I go to him. It may be the last time I see time it will be my good friend Oscar who goes home with him. And the winner is....YES!!! I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!!! Oh and he is so happy, this is not like him -- so out of character, but who can blame him? This young man will go far . . . but I knew that at the beginning. And I think..maybe..he is the only one to ever win in this category three times. So good to be with him just one more time. God Speed in all your travels, Jonathan. I know you will have many and will be going far!"

"Next category....oh this is a tough one to call. Outstanding Younger Actress. I know who I want to go home with but it is a close race. Jonathan's co-star, Becky Herbst, turned in such a good performance, but with Sarah Brown in the same category it may split the vote and Heather Tom is a veteran in this field. So, who do I go home with...who? Okay all the nominees and the winner is...Heather Tom. Oh I would have sworn it would be Becky! The rape storyline was so strong. I don't understand! So, tonight I will go home with Heather but, next year I hope it will be Becky taking me home. I hope she gets another great storyline soon...she has a lot of talent that shouldn't go to waste. Yeah, next year Becky, we'll meet next year."

"So, now we get to Outstanding Game Show, and the winner is...Win Ben Stein's Money. Wow this is a surprise!! Beating out all the favorites and veterans. Good for him!! I always liked his dry humor so I am happy for him. A nice change to see someone new win."

"Let's see, next up is Outstanding Children's Animated Series. Another no brainer, since I know Arthur of PBS is in this category. The Winner is Arthur, PBS!!! Yep, like I said, a no brainer. PBS has always put kids first -- so glad to see them win another award!!"

"Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program, and the winner is Rob Paulsen, as Pinky from Pinky and the Brain. Who are all these people? He won over some seasoned voices -- wow...he must be good!"

"Oh, here is another close race...Outstanding Supporting Actress. Both Jennifer Bassey and Kelly Ripa turned in strong performances, this year. I'm just glad that AMC had the sense to finally offer Jennifer a contract -- long overdue! I hope I go home with one of them...ah shucks guess not! Sharon Case of Y&R won, but not bad for her first time in this category. I wonder why they didn't put someone like, maybe Sarah Brown from GH in this category, but who knows...maybe next year."

"Outstanding Children's Series...a tough one again!! All great shows, Bill Nye, Jim Henson's Animal Show, Nick News with Linda Ellerbee and Reading Rainbow. ...And the winner is...Bill Nye the Science Guy...oh COOL!!! This is such a neat show and I love this guy!! I remember when he was on a show called "Almost Live in Seattle" and played Speed Walker!! What a trip, I'm so glad I get to go home with him again!"

"Now is Outstanding Supporting Actor...another field with some favorites of mine. I loved Stuart Damon's work this year on GH, and lord knows he is long due for a win but, then there is Michael E. Knight. I haven't gotten a chance to see him for a while, not since he won for Younger Actor in the 80's. Jerry Ver Dorn of GL and the two Y&R guys are all tough competition.....and the winner? ALL RIGHT!!! STUART..I'm so happy .finally after so many years, I get to go home with you!!! And yes, it IS a great part -- actors should remember that..always look for the great part, and the rest will come!! All the best, my friend. I'm so glad to know I will be sitting on your mantle soon."

"This category may not be a favorite..I know right now the writer on GH has a lot of people could he make Liz move on so soon after Lucky's death? I hope he isn't thinking the unthinkable and trying to pair her with Nik. Oh, that would be a big mistake. But he did do an incredible job this past year with the story lines, especially the rapes was so powerful! And I am right again...congrats to Bob Guza and Staff -- I get to go home with them! He is so lucky to have so many great writers on his team. Michelle Val Jean really is an amazing woman, to take her real life experience and to turn it into this incredible story. Well deserved award, I would say....Bravo!"

"Okay, it is getting closer to the time I dread, so can we get on with it? I hate coming to the Outstanding Actress, but I have to go through the rest of them first Outstanding Game Show Host..Ben Stein and Jimmy Kimmel. Oh how sweet -- he handed his award to Susan Lucci...oh please let it be her year this year..I can't take much more. This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award went to Bob Barker and now the Outstanding Directing team goes to Y & R. Come on, can we get on with it? We are running late..and I want to get to the last three awards. Outstanding Talk Rosie beat out Oprah?!?!? And finally, the last three awards."

"Outstanding Lead Actor..oh and everyone has won before, but it has been 17 years for Tony Geary and no one..I mean ..NO ONE can turn an emotion on a dime like him. He had an incredible year! Nothing against the other actors -- they are all fine -- but I hope I get to be in Tony's talented hands again. YES!!!! After 17 years I go home with him again!!! He is so amazing...he makes chewing gum look exciting!! He loses his TV son, but gains an Emmy!! Oh, it feels so good to be in his hands, again!!! This is a great night for GH so far!!!"

"Oh no I can't look...not again...please I can't bear to see Susan disappointed again. I know she had a great year with the Bianca's Anorexia storyline, but is it strong enough to win, especially over a favorite like Kim Zimmer? Oh no, here comes the winner..wait what did he say?? Did he say, "THE STREAK IS OVER???" Oh yes...YES!!! He said her name..HE SAID HER NAME!! SUSAN LUCCI IS THE WINNER!! Oh Lord, the crowd is going crazy, everyone is on their feet screaming and applauding. They won't stop..oh they put me in her hands. What is that? Oh it's a tear -- look how she is crying. Oh, this is the happiest day in my life!! It has taken forever but, oh so worth the wait! She is truly a beautiful person .inside and out, now that I can see her up close! They are trying to get her to finish.., after 20+ years, Susan, you say everything you ever wanted to say! No one is going to stop you, and you deserve every moment, so treasure it. Going to commercial, and they are still standing for her...what a gracious lady! Now this has become a great night, and one more category, and I get to go home with all my winners!!"

"Last Category...Outstanding Drama Series. Oh, and all I've heard is how GH and Y&R are tied in this category with an equal number of wins. Well, Dick Clark warned all the Executive Producers that we were really in a time crunch, and to keep it short. And the winner is.....General Hospital!!!! Excellent -- the tie is broken! These folks had a great year, and gave it their all. Let's see what they come up with for next year -- it will be a tough act to follow. Hopefully Jonathan and a few other favorites will return..I can't wait to see how they top this!!"

"Congratulations to all!! There are no losers here -- just a lot of talented people, who some day will all get their shot, and take me here's to the new millennium and what it will bring. Now.....LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!"

Story by Karen

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