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Pull out your old tapes and remember when

Last year's May sweeps:

For soapfans, the best times are SWEEPS TIMES! May sweeps are always especially exciting because they lead us into the summer storylines. This year, GH's May sweeps have been full of changes and a lot of heartache. Things in Port Charles seem a lot different from just a month ago, so I decided to pull out my video tapes and take a look at how really different they were a year ago.

Rewinding to May sweeps, 1998......

Lucky and Liz:
If you have been reading this magazine much at all, then you are well aware that L&L Jr. are my favorite GH couple. So, indulge me, please, by letting me remember them first. After all, May sweeps last year was really the time that solidified Lucky and Liz as the next daytime super couple... at least for me. Leading into May sweeps, Lucky was still sneaking into Liz's bedroom every night and watching over her as she recovered from the nightmare of her rape. The two were obsessed with finding the man who had done it and began to suspect their English teacher, Mr. Murty. It was still sweeps when Audrey discovered Lucky in Liz's room and the two teens took to the streets. Remember their night in the department store? Or when Lucky went back for Liz's "one-eared" teddy bear, Boris? And, of course, who could forget their first dance in the gardens at Wyndemere? That was definitely a great month for classic L&L Jr. moments.

Luke and Laura:
May sweeps last year brought Genie Francis back to GH, but it was not such a good time for L&L Sr. Even though the two characters didn't have many scenes together, they laid their separate ground work for what would lead to the end of their marriage the following year. We soapfans had it confirmed that Stefan and Laura's big secret was the truth that he was Nik's father, and Luke was plotting his own secrets with Alexis about doing in a certain Cassidine matriarch. Not to mention that Laura was being completely kept in the dark about Lucky running away. I would have to say it was a time of great secrets for Luke and Laura.

The Quartermaines:
Edward was just warming up in his obsession to get custody of his great grandson away from Jason. The Q's were still completely clueless about Alan's drug problems during May sweeps last year. In fact, it was during this time that Monica began to suspect that Allen's strange behavior was due to him having an affair with Amy Vining. Ned wasn't any happier with his life because he still hadn't forgiven Alexis for defending Tony when he was tried for kidnapping Michael. He actually tried to make amends at the Bacchanalia, but Alexis was too busy plotting to help Luke push Helena off the roof. She did agree later to help him defend Carly, so their road to reconciliation began. It still took them a whole year, until these May sweeps, to finally say "I love you." And Edward is still trying to get Michael away from Jason.

Stefan and Katherine:
First of all, it seems strange to remember that just a year ago there was a Stefan and Katherine. Even so, I'm sure we all remember that the most glorious event of May sweeps 1998 was the masque Bacchanalia for their engagement party. Who could forget those amazing dresses and beautiful dance scenes? Who could forget Laura showing up to find Kat had been turned into a replica of herself years ago? And, of course, who could forget Kat falling into the trap laid for Helena and plunging to her supposed death? What I find difficult to remember, is how docile and even good hearted Kat was just a year ago. She was not at all the vixen we have today, nor the one we had before. So, I'd say last May was a "phase" for Katherine.... and a lesson in denial for Stefan. It also just might have been the beginning of Stefan and Laura.

Nikolas and Emily:
I'm not suggesting that Nik and Em are a couple, or were one last May. It seems fitting to put them together, though, because, even with of all they have been through with each other this year, they seem to be in the same place. Last May Emily was completely infatuated with Nik and now, even though her feelings are out and she knows there is no hope for anything more than friendship, he is still the only guy in her heart. Nik looked at Em like a little sister, and still does. He was looking at Kat as his new stepmom.... which is NOT how he looks at her now. He also wasn't even to the point of calling Laura "mom" yet and he still believed his father was his uncle. Something I'd forgotten, though, was who Nik had his heart set on a year ago? Do you remember? It was Robin of all people!

During May sweeps last year, Robin and Jason got back together and set up house with baby Michael. This was helped along by the fact that Carly was locked up in Ferncliff for shooting Tony. Sonny was still gone and Jason was running the organization. Michael was having a glimpse of a "normal" life with Jason and Robin, even though neither was his biological parent. Of course, A.J. was still totally in the dark about Michael being his son. He was actually bidding farewell to his girlfriend Keesha, who had to leave Port Charles to attend to her sick father. Whatever happened to Keesha anyway?

Jax and Brenda:
Yes, Brenda was still in Port Charles for May Sweeps last year. She wanted to reclaim her life running L&B Records and was settling into her new cottage. She was also determined to win Jax back. After doing the supportive friends bit for long enough, Brenda started proposing to Jax on a regular basis. Jax finally gave in and the two became engaged, again, during May sweeps. Jax was also busy keeping tabs on his newly arrived brother, Jerry, who was still playing the "bad guy" roll. Jerry had just set his playful eye on Bobbie Spencer, but she wasn't into the game yet.

Mac and Felicia:
May sweeps last year, Mac and Felicia was still pretending to be engaged. While the rest of Port Charles planned their wedding, they were busy trying to think of a way to call it off and fighting the truth that neither one of them really wanted to. At this point, the only two people who were in on their charade were Jax and V. They could both see that the two were meant to be together, but couldn't yet get the message heard.

Plenty has gone on in Port Charles since last year, but a lot of the basics are still the same. Several of our favorites have left, but a lot of great, new faces have moved in. I know there are many highlights of last year's May sweeps that I didn't elaborate on. Maybe this glimpse were inspire you to dust off your old tapes and reminisce a bit on your own. If you don't have some of these episodes saved and you'd like to see them again, there are copies available at It's definitely worth a "rewind."


Pictures by:
Monique, CurlyQgrl, and OLTLFAN

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