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Emmys on the West Coast:
Live (recorded earlier) from my living room
by Boo

Last Friday, May 21, some of my lucky friends had the good fortune to attend this year's Daytime Emmy Awards in New York City. I had to settle for watching it live (recorded earlier) from my apartment here in LA. I'm certain their experience was more exciting, but, I must say, this year was quite a thrill to watch even from the front row of my own couch. The Daytime Emmys Award Show is one of my favorite events of the year! Even though the SOD Awards are often more satisfying because they are picked by us soapfans, you cannot deny the prestige and validation that the Emmys bring. It's like, for one night, the rest of the world takes notices of the world of Soaps.

My Emmy evening began with Italian take out and a quick dash to the store (aptly named "Lucky's Grocery") for Ding Dongs and Oreos. By the way, that is not a good combination. My good friend, and fellow soapfan, spent the evening with me and wasn't quite prepared for my way of watching these awards. She didn't realize that they were a participatory event and that it doesn't matter if the TV won't talk back to you. We began with the E! Preshow, which is always a must even if it is a bit tedious. This year, though, was especially bad. I realize that CBS was the host network, but they could have shared the spotlight some. I didn't need to see every single Young and the Restless actor interviewed for 5 minutes! Melanie Thomas Scott (Nicki, Y&R) made a point of saying that their show had set a record for the most nominations in a year. Well, good for them.... but that evening GH set a record for the most WINS in a year! (Sorry, but loyalty makes me bias). I also thought I would scream if I heard one more plug for Soap Opera Weekly or that Emmy book.... and don't even get me started on all those commercial breaks that proved the show should have stuck to one hour...... But, enough complaints! On to the good stuff! I loved all the color! Last year nearly everyone was in black. I remembering seeing Susan Lucci's rather bright, Caribbean colored gown and thinking, "Yeah! Nothing dark!" This year, though, everyone seemed to be in a different color - brights and pastels! It was beautiful!

Stuart Damon (Alan) seemed to be enjoying himself even as he walked in. He has such a cheerful face. I only caught a glimpse of Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) as she walked in. I wanted to see her interviewed, as she was last year, especially so I could get a better look at that brilliant blue dress that I have no doubt she created. Jonathan Jackson and Sarah Brown (Lucky and Carly) were great together, though. I didn't quite know what to think of JJ's tie at first, but I've concluded that he and Tony Geary (Luke) must have bought theirs together. Didn't Sarah looked wonderfully tanned and healthy? Carly tends to mope around the house too much, but obviously not her portrayer. She also seemed to enjoy the chance to walk in with GH's "golden boy" and was acting more like a proud sister than a costar. It was very cute!

As the preshow finally wrapped up, I was so anxious for the main event begin. It was an interesting choice to not have a host for the evening, this year. I thought it worked well and cut down on time wasting transitions. Having Oprah start things off and wrap things up was a nice touch too, considering how she had graciously taken herself out of the race. I didn't expect the younger actor and actress category to be so soon and I wasn't prepared for it. As most of you know, I'm a huge Lucky and Liz fan, so I was really pulling for Jonathan and Becky. I've been so invested in their story that I was actually nervous! You would have thought I was the one up for the award! I had to squeeze my friend's hand as the nominations were read and then - YEAH!!!! - we just about woke the dead with our screams when JJ's name was called as the winner. I'm sure my neighbors got quite annoyed by the end of the night. Of course, if JJ hadn't won the Emmys would have lost all credibility. He has no peers, at least not in that category. He never fails to surprise me, either. As soon as he got on stage and started his impersonation of Roberto Benigni my jaw hit the floor. It was not at all like the low key acceptance speeches I've seen him give over the years. My friend and I just looked at each other stunned. Well, I couldn't help but wonder how he felt being back seated with his GH family after leaving the set a month ago and ,from the sound of his speach, I guess the answer would be, "excited!" It still feels so strange to think he is actually leaving.

We were hardly given any time to digest that victory, when the younger actress nominees were being announced and my nerves shot up again. I think Sarah Brown is one of the best actresses on Daytime, but I just thought this year belonged to Becky. I was really rooting for her. It was nice to see the way the two of them were encouraging each other in their seats, and it would have been such a treat to see Wally and Ingo (Ned and Jax) be the presenters for one of them. As you know, though, it wasn't meant to be. That was one of the few times GH didn't win that night. From what I've heard, Heather Tom (Victoria, Y&R) did some good work. However, I can't help but wonder if Becky and Sarah split the GH vote. Personally, I think Sarah may have been able to beat the ladies in the Supporting Actress category if she had placed herself there, and this might have given Becky the edge she needed. We'll never know.

I don't think that the categories are fair as they are now. I think there should be one "child" category that could include both boys and girls 12 and under. Then, younger actress and actor categories would be teenagers and young twenties. It isn't fair for great kids like Bryant Jones (Nate, Y&R) or Camrun Grimes (Casey, Y&R) who may get nominated but are competing against adult actors in the 20's. Maybe there aren't enough "kids" to nominate, or some other reason this hasn't been done. I'm not on the Emmy committee, so I wouldn't know, but I sure would like to.

I was so disappointed after Becky lost, but I started to get excited again when Stuart Damon (Alan) won for Best Supporting Actor. Although Alan's drug addiction wasn't my favorite story on GH this year, Stuart did an amazing job with it. He's done an amazing job with this part for years, and it was great for him to finally be recognized. The whole GH troop seemed especially thrilled for him. I think I saw Billy Warlock (A.J.) jumping up and down in the aisle as Stuart walked up to the microphone. I'm such a sucker for emotional acceptance speeches that I was teary eyed even as I laughed at his line, "the oldest, fattest drug addict in the history of TV" and the lip-stick kiss his wife had left on his cheek.

The next award that snuck up on me was the GH writing team. As loyal and bias as I am, I wasn't expecting us to get this one. However, Lucky and Liz's story, created by Michele Val Jean, would have been enough to win my vote... if I had one. When you put with that the courage it took to revisit Luke's rape of Laura years ago, I don't know why I didn't expect it. The writing in 1998 really did have some fabulous moments and the most incredible words..... which is more than I can say for Bob Guza's acceptance speech.

I thought Kristina Wagner (Felicia) looked cute as she helped introduce GH's nomination for best show. I do believe she is the only female alive who could pull off that outfit, but she did it. I wasn't as fond of the way they showcased the four nominated soaps this year. I preferred the dramatic, intense music and montage that they used last year. However, variety is good and Aretha Franklin had some great one-liners, even if I did have that "Daydreaming" song stuck in my head for the next two days. It's always fun to see what other celebrities come to the Daytime Emmys to confess their love of soaps - from hockey greats to singing legends. You see? There are soapfan just like us every where you could think to look. Who knows, maybe some of these celebrities actually log online with us. Makes you wonder......

So often these Emmys, unlike Primetime, feel like two separate groups trying to share a room. You have the Soaps, and then you have the Game Shows and Talk Shows which seem to be in a different medium. This year, though, there was so much that made the whole room feel united. One of the sweetest moments of the night, I thought, was when the co-producer of Win Ben Stine's Money tried to give his Emmy to Susan Lucci. It's a good thing she didn't take it, though. I also loved having Barbara Walters introduce the recap of all the best actor and actresses over the years. And I was shocked to realize I knew nearly ALL of them! Of course, nothing! nothing! nothing! could have united the room more than having Susan Lucci finally win her Emmy! Those great words, "The streak is over....!!!" united people all over the country! Her reaction was so real and wonderful that the expression, "not a dry eye in the house" was given new meaning. I confess, I was crying too. I couldn't help it! I remember being 11 years old and not wanting to vacuum the rug because it wouldn't be something Erica Kane would do. OK, so maybe that's not the best of influences, but let's just say she helped me develop a healthy dose of audacity. I was thrilled to see her recognized at last!

I was also thrilled... beyond thrilled!... to see Tony Geary recognized for his work this year. Luke's confession of the rape to Lucky last spring was the most incredible acting I've ever seen in a single scene on any show. He really is so much of the heart and soul of GH and it's hard to imagine this was only his second Emmy! Next year, I want to see both he and Genie Francis (Laura) on that stage!

Well, what is left to say except: WE'RE #1!!!!! I really don't care what the ratings say, the Nielson system is completely outdated anyway, GH is the #1 soap! The fans voted for it at the Soap Opera Digest Awards, and now it has the Emmy. By the time this was announced, I didn't know what to expect. The evening had proven to be one where anything could happen. Of course, I was holding my breath to hear it announced. Then it was done so quickly that I almost missed it. My screams were delayed, but they did come!!! (My poor neighbors). It's so validating to know the rest of the world has been shown what we soapfans have been trying to tell them..... General Hospital is the best!

So, with the left over Italian in the fridge, a half gallon of milk empty, and Ding Dong wrappers on the floor, we stopped the VCR and left our front row seats on the couch. My friend and I were both talking a mile a minute and, Hey! the night was still young in LA. It was time to go out and celebrate our victory! Emmy night is always a great night! Even if you are watching it live (recorded earlier) from your own home!


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