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SoapFans share their exciting adventures

A dinner to benefit Make-A-Wish charity gave some soapfans a chance to mingle with their favorite stars

Kerri:"I SAW A COMMERCIAL IN MID-FEBRUARY AND I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK. The announcer informed me that Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst were going to be at a Make-A-Wish dinner in Agawam. Agawam is only about a half hour from my house so I screamed to my mom to "come quick!" We had the tickets by the next week.

In a sad twist of fate, I got pneumonia a week before the dinner. I missed 5 days of school, but I told my mom that I would meet Jonathan Jackson if they had to bring me in on a stretcher!

So, slightly pale and completely stuffed up, we sloshed through the snowstorm to Chez Josef. There were two lines, and I got into the one for Becky, Richard Lee, and some other guy first. I couldn't even believe how beautiful she was in person! Her make-up was great and she was a complete sweetheart. I complimented her on her beautiful cross necklace and she just gave me a big smile and thanked me. Richard was so kind and gorgeous too. Wow, the genes in that family!

The next stop was the Jonathan Jackson line. I could not breathe! With every step I got closer. He was just too perfect for words! His mom once said (quoted in People Magazine) that fans are either "stunned to silence" by his eyes or reduced to screaming. I was in the first group. As I spelled out my name to him, I prayed that I wouldn't stutter or faint or both! His eyes are SO blue. I felt like he could just see into my soul.

After the autographs, we went to our table. The people we were sitting with weren't too exciting, until Alessandra came. She was so cool, and a complete kindred spirit. We gushed about L&L. She even told me about this little thing called the Brigade (The L&L Brigade). She wrote the web address on the back of an envelope for me, and the rest is history.

While we ate, we begged our waiter to bring us JJ's fork. Unfortunately, he was not willing to risk his job. Some people are no fun!

As soon as Alessandra and I saw JJ get up, we ran over. Within 2 minutes, I was posing for a picture with JJ, himself. I was even brave enough to ask Richard if he would be in the picture, too! (I was) standing between those two. After the picture, we turned around to see about 50 people waiting for a picture with him - pretty good timing on our part!

After that, I got a picture with Becky, who really is too sweet. She is so photogenic too! Guess who's the star in that picture!

By then, all that activity was starting to get to me, so we headed home in the slush. For the whole ride home, I didn't stop gushing about how great it was! I brought my pictures to school that Monday to share my story with everyone. Thanks for letting me share it with you!

Story and pictures by Kerri

Monique: "It was the best time of my life. At first, on the way there we got lost, but we eventually found it. As soon as we got there we each received a yellow envelope with all the stars' pictures in it.

The first thing that I did was go in and look for Jonathan (Jackson). He was at the table posing for pictures and he looked so cute! So, my sister and I got in line and it took us about 10 to 15 minutes. When I finally got up there, he signed my picture and I told him that I was looking forward to see him in the movie, (The Deep End of the Ocean). He told me that he was excited about the movie too. He looked me right in the eye and thought that I would die. He was very sweet!

We took some pictures and then everyone sat down to eat. They had the auction. My sister and I were bidding for the teddy bear, but it went too high for us. His was the highest bid there - $250 and then you were able to get your picture taken with him. Then later, after dinner, there was a line to get your picture taken with him and his brother (Richard Lee). I was next in line to get my picture taken with him when the bouncer stopped the line right there for dessert. So, I couldn't take my picture with him. But I did get my picture taken with Becky and she is the sweetest person. She was so nice to talk to. Jonathan wasn't really talking that night. I think he was pretty shy. Later, the band started to play. Jonathan and his brother had to leave early because they had a late flight coming in. They were going to have to be up for 24 hours.

Well, that was the night and, other than getting lost and the bad weather, it was the best night of my life!!!!!!!!

Story and pictures by Monique

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