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Home Page:
Year 2000 Economics
by Daniel

Listed in order of date with most recent update at top:

January 6, 2000 Post Y2K Mea-Culpa; Non-Event: Reality of Prophecy .


December 6, 1999 Last update before millennium! .


Sept 28, 1999 Sept. 28 Update: A Whole Hodgepodge of Information!...CLICK HERE.....Senate report, Worst Case?...Boise Community group... .


August 27, 1999 Aug. 27 Update: Assorted %@$#*! .


Leaked, Semi-Secret Government Study Reveals Massive Y2K Problems in American Cities .


August 11, 1999 Y2K The Movie Cancelled: Censorship? Conspiracy?.


August 11, 1999 Stock Market: The Bear Has Begun?.


August 4, 1999 Media Propaganda, Spin & Y2K.

August 4, 1999 More Deception From the NERC and Power Grid.


July 28, 1999 False dawn 1999: Mass Denial.


July 27, 1999 Recommended Y2K Preparation Books.


July 27, 1999 What The Y2K Experts Think.


July 19, 1999 Y2K Conspiracies Go Mainstream. From Wired News. By Declan McCullagh


July 19, 1999 50% Of Corporations lie About Y2K Compliancy Status And Progress No big surprise there.


July 19, 1999 Y2K: The Six Circles Of Risk The Magnitude of y2k.


July 16, 1999 Melt-up Rally to Dow 12,000? It certainly looks possible over the next few weeks!


July 14, 1999 The Systemic Nature of Y2k key to understanding magnitude of y2k. The real issue!


July 7, 1999 What Is The Fourth Turning? Tells us what lies ahead, based on historical/generation cycles. Click here for Part Two


July 5, 1999 NERC Exposed: Deceptive "Compliance" of Power Industry


July 4, 1999 Y2K And Martial Law I wrote this article for the Gold-Eagle web site dealing with evidence for military rule over the economy in 2000. (I've also integrated a better version with links it into my updated page on y2k & martial law as well as mailed it to the Senate Special Commitee on the year 2000 problem)


July 2, 1999 47% of Americans Polled Expect Bank Runs before 2000: Game Nearly Over


July 1, 1999 Newsbites Story: Y2K To Cause 10 Percent Of All Computers To Fail - Report . This 10 percent number assumes 100% success rate in y2k remediation efforts!

"...It's kind of bugs creating bugs, if you will," Gogerty said, adding that, even assuming that all Y2K first generation bugs are solved, then there will be a second generation of bugs amounting to 15 percent of the original volume of software problems. "Our research has reduced that figure to 10 percent, which we feel is a conservative figure...We assumed a best case scenario and drew up a smokestack model. The conclusion was that, even with massive Y2K remediation, there will still be major Y2K computer problems.

July 1, 1999 Y2K: Many large U.K. companies will not be ready . Almost a third of the UK?s Top 1000 companies will not have completed their Y2K programs by the year?s end and may face serious business disruption as a result. 19 per cent had not completed the first stage of inventory preparation.


June 30, 1999 July 1 Fiscal Year Rollover Will be a Non-event.

June 30, 1999 Mega Y2K Quotes 0.5!. (June/July)


June 29, 1999 The Y2K Disconnect and Denial: If Y2K were solved, Then... .


June 28, 1999 I Respond to a Reader: Convincing Family on y2k .


June 24, 1999 Stocks 44.5% Overvalued; Summer/fall Crash Imminent


June 21, 1999 DoD Prepares For Martial Law


June 17, 1999 The Nation: THE 'NIGHTMARE SCENARIO' What if the world's y2k nuclear computer problems aren't fixed in time?


June 16, 1999 Safe Or Sorry? Y2K and Nuclear Weapons From The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists.


June 15, 1999 Why I moved to Boise, Idaho: Safe Y2K Haven


Click Here For "Daily Update" Archive, March 26,1999 to July 1,1999 line

Y2K Pages previously on this site:
What is the Millenium Bug?

Too late to fix y2k! (100%)

Don't worry, (about y2k) Be Happy !

Y2K's Global Economic Impact
Macroeconomic Thesis--main paper

Y2K and interactions with current economic crisis

Y2K & Domino Effect

Y2K + Electric Power

Transportation + Y2K

Manufacturing + Y2K

y2k +International
Bank Crisis 1999

Shut-down of Banking System...Inevitable?

communications + Y2K

Y2K + U.S. Government

Imported, Corrupt Data: The BIG Problem.

Systemic Nature of Y2K. The other BIG Problem.

Examples of Y2K failures

y2k + Martial Law

Y2K & Solutions and Actions for Leaders

Self- Fulfilling Prophecy! (Myth)

False Dawn 1999: Mass Denial

Scary Quotes From Officials!

Mega Y2K Quotes!

Media Propaganda, Spin & Y2K.

Result of Poll: 47% Expect Economic Collapse

47% Expect Panic Bank Runs: Game Nearly Over

Fiscal Year Rollovers: Non-events

Home Page: Year 2000 Economics by Daniel