Linda May's ~ Family Library ~

Welcome to my Family Library. This is the beginning page to links where I will be putting information I have either found, been sent from someone else or that personally know from being part of these families. This is a new project for me, one that has already become a challenge, especially since I have been diagnosed with Cancer, but one that I look forward to mastering so everyone who visits will not become confused by what they may find here.

I've chosen the title "Linda May's Main Family Library" for my individual Family sites so that I can break each area down within their families for what I have available, or plan on having in the near future. Like I said, this is going to take a while so please be patient with me while I try and figure this all out. Please come back often to visit me.

~Linda May~

~ Genealogy ~

Harmon Family Genealogy
12 April 2002

Ellis Family Genealogy

13 April 2002

Kilby Family Genealogy

Please feel free to browse around, check out the other areas located on my website. Don't hesitate to contact me should you find something amiss here. Just let me know what is wrong, what needs to be added or deleted and I will do my best to take care of it.

[Genealogy Home Page]