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Mom's Side

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This is my Mom's Mom's Mom and Dad, Rose and Harry.  My Great Grandparents.
Here is my Great Grandmother later!

Mom says she has a good picture of my Great Grandparents on Grandpa's side of the family... but since we haven't found it yet, I cannot put it on.  It's coming!

These are my Mom's parents, Bob and Joan:
**** I love to look through old pictures... so I'll have some of their younger pictures up as soon as I am not tired of scanning stuff anymore.  *_* 

Here is a nice family photo at my parents' wedding:

(left to right) Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma Rose, Mike (Dauna's husband), Dauna and Kevin.  on the bottom are my mom and dad.

Grandma and Grandpa had three kids:

Here's Uncle Kevin, hair and no hair (what say you, all my cousins on this side of the family... isn't he the best?  :-)



Dauna was the youngest, but she was also the first to marry.  Here she is with Mike!:

They had four kids, Lynsay, Lydia, Lysa and then Britton!  Here they all are at Disney Land with us.  (I call this picture "The Sweatpants Brigade")

First there was Lynsay... now there is Lynsay and Bill!  (that first pic is of Neal and Lyn)



Next there was Lydia... and since we've been best friends, I've got a stash of pictures and I just haven't decided which to put up yet.  There are some in the "friends" page... and some on "my" home page too.  

Lysa deserves many more pictures too... they're coming!

(and darling Melissa)

Britton is the only boy of the four... :-)

(cutey Melissa and Britton)

Mom was the middle child... and she is on the first part of my family page... 


Mom grew up in Ohio so there is a large piece of the family that I have finally put some pictures up of.  If you're one of THOSE relatives :-) I haven't forgotten you and just click here to see yourself!  :-D  Last summer our family went to Ohio for a reunion and we've got pictures from that...

(the most famous and remembered of our family... my great-grandmother)

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