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family at bonfire  neal and me in the mud

I have a great family; I have my parents:



I have my sister:  Melissa is 15, spends mucho time doing ballet, lots of time on schoolwork, quite a bit of time talking to people online and a little time trying to be nice to me.  (ha ha) Melissa's got a bit of a website too... click on her school picture.

Melissa's 8th grade pic  Melissa and me on a hike  

Here's my brother and my sister-in-law:  Neal and Hollye got married July 14, 2001.  They're going to school at OSU (go Beavers!! ).  And to describe them... well, their e-mail starts with boiledcheese... For pictures of Hollye playing basketball, click their wedding picture.  (no reason... it's just the first pic.)  For pictures of them both, click on the picture of their hands.

Since Great-Grandma lives with us, she deserves her very own picture on this part of the site.... but I don't feel like scanning or looking through the zip drive right now, so you'll have to wait!

I have my pets (our pets):
I need to put a new picture of our dog up...  

Our cat loves to sleep in the flowerpots and sunbathe. fluffy1.jpg (101706 bytes)

We also have two other cats, Calico and Black (original names eh?),


This is an imaginary picture of the black cat.  He really isn't all that interesting to look at.  Just a black... cat.  What's interesting about this cat is his complete lack of fear when it comes to crawling into people's laps.

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