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Dad's Side

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These are my great Aunts and Uncle and my Great Grandma on my Dad's Mother's side of the family as well as some of their children..  My Grandma and her mother are in this picture (see descriptions below.)
Top (left to right) are Great Aunt Alma and Great Grandma Francis. 
Middle row is my Great Aunt Myrtle, her son Ralph, Great Aunt Opal, Grandma Reta and then Great Aunt Ollie.  
The bottom row is my Great Uncle Ron and Opal's daughter Betty.

 This is a great picture of both of my Dad's Grandparents and all of his Aunts and Uncles on this part of the family.
From left to right are my Great Grandpa Otis, their children Dale, Ruth, Fern, Dean (my Grandpa... Dad's Dad!), Betty, Alma, Harlan, Milo, Ron, Richard, and Great Grandma Ethel.

Here they are as I've known them... my Grandma Reta and Grandpa Dean on Dad's side of the family

Here's Dad and his family: from left to right, Judy, Grandpa, Glen, Grandma and on the bottom, Dale (dad) and Jerry.

First there was Glen:  There is no doubt that he is the tallest redheddedest uncle of them all.  :-)  I'll have to get a picture of his girlfriend Geneva up sometime.

Here he is in his hippi days:  
And here he is using Great Grandma's cane at his 40th birthday! (that's dad tagging along)

Judy was the second of the children:  She was the first to marry. 

She and Ken had two kids, Emily and Larry:

Larry is as he was :-) --

Emily is the wife of Dean and they have three kids, Tristin, Devon and Ashlee:


 Jerry was the third of four children:  He has three kids (and Jayme beats everybody else in the family as far as cuteness goes... hi Jayme!) and likes to build miniature cannons.

Here's the fella on the left after three kids :-D ... 

Here's his first: Sherrie. She's working on her last year in the Army now!    

Here's Lori!  She and I have done a lot together... including some pretty weird stuff.  Like... umm... trying to catch frogs with nylons stretched over a bent clothes hangar tied to a bamboo stick with shoelaces!

And as I said... Jayme is the cutest!

Finally, there was dad!  Or Dale, depending on who's reading this. <smile>
Yes, my dad was the youngest... and I don't know what they were doing in this picture, but he can't call me the goofiest anymore. 

Then dad met mom... but both she and he are on my first family page.

This is an old family photo (I'm the little girl on the bottom sticking her tongue out) but it's a good picture anyway.

(left to right) - top: Jerry, Emily (in front), Dale, Melissa (in Dad's arms), Daurelle (mom!), Glen, Larry, Judy, Ken.
bottom: Neal, Grandpa Dean, Sherrie, Grandma Reta, Lori, Me!


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