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Hey there all u happy ppls!!! My friend Dawn sent me a whole ton of obsessions and she said there were more~ EEEK! So I figured what da 'ell I will make a whole page of the obsession things she sends me! THANX DAWN!!!

Everything that follows is writtin by Dawn unless u see a ** by it MMMK!!!

You memorize all the movements in all of their videos. (i have!) **Me too =)

You sing MmmBop in the shower. (i sang Madeline!) **ITZ Weird but I sang Weird =0)

You play the CD while you sleep so you can dream about them. (i did a couple times [it worked!]) **Dang I did that and it didn't work!! =(

All of your relatives know Hanson's full names. (my 'rents do!) **My 'rents HATE Hanson with a passion~ half their pay-check goes to them! LOL!!!

You wasted most of your printer's ink printing pics off the net of them. (i have. twice!) **Nope... parents woulda hunted Hanson down and killed em~ J/K! I wouldn't let em to THAT!!! =))

You watch your tape of recorded Hanson apperences everyday. (my friend does!) **Ummm... I would have NO life AT all!! U know how many tapes I got!? ;0)

You put you pics on the ceiling with tape hoping it will wear out and fall on you. (I like that 1) **Kute!! =O)

You are willing to amputate the bottom half of your body for the independent recordings. (that's goin a little far.) **Now there's an idear!! OR NOT!

The only e-mail you receive anymore has SOMETHING to do with Hanson.(that's me!) **NEARLY!! LOL!

You put peices of paper up over their faces on your walls so they won't see you naked. (I sometimes feel that way too.) **I have so many pix on my wall I'd waste the worlds supply of trees... all those eyes are kinda... ERIEE though!! ;op

You only talk in Hanson quotes. (That's me on occasions.) **Well I dunno if this counts but I can't count how many times a day I say "Middle of Nowehre" not refering to the alblum... and then go... AWWW Middle of Nowhere HANSON'S ALBLUM!

You have listened to "I will come to you" so many times you actually think they are coming.(lolol) **Yeah well I can dream can't I??? And then I wake up!!! D@MN! I wanna go back to sleep!!

And a BIG TAYnx goes to my pal Dawn! U Rock Chickie Poo!!!!!!


Obsessed list by me!
