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25 ways to tell ur obsessed with Hanson!

Obsession... a common word... a common thing... but are you obsessed?? How do you tell?? Well I have comprised a list of ways to see if you are! READ ON!

Look at those faces~ how can you NOT be obsessed... end of list! J/K!! I had to put some pix up! LOL!!! Ok... onto the obsession list!

1~ Have you ever cried during a Hanson TV performance cuz it was "just so magical"? (Hehehe~ thats moi!!)

2~ Do you tape a picture of Hanson to ur pillow and lay it next to you and tell ur friend that you "slept with Hanson"?? Or you could sleep in ur Hanson shirt and say the same thang! LOL!! (not THAT obsessed~ YET!!)

3~ Have you ever fallen down the stairs cuz Hanson was gonna be on and you HAD to tape it but the tape was up-stairs and the VCR down-stairs? (Actually~ YESS!!)

4~ Do you know every lyric to every song on every CD Hanson has ever made?? (mmmbop ba duba dop ba... umm.. I mean YEAH!!)

5~ Do you spend a lot of time making web-sites ALL about them just in case Tay ever surfs onto ur page?? (Well I make pages~ but I know Tay ain't gonna surf here unfortunately!!)

6~ Do ur OTHER Cd's have an inch of dust on them cuz they haven't been touched since May 6th, 1997?? (Nah~ I still use all my CD's once in a while!)

7~ Do you SCREAM obnoxiously loud everytime you see them on TV??? (HECK YA!)

8~ Do you drive ur friends and family NUTS cuz all u talk about is Hanson?? (4 SURE)

9~ Is ur room a "shrine of Hanson"?? (Kinda sorta!)

10~ Do you have boxes of magazines?? (DEFINETLY!!!!)

11~ Do you have more then 3 copies of ANY CD's of theirs?? (Nope~ I do wanna get 2nd copies though!)

12~ Do you have 15+ shirts of them?? (Nope~ only 2!)

13~ Did you BEG to get anything Hanson?? (Mmm-Hmm)

14~ Did your Christmas list resemble this~ 1. Middle of Nowhere 2. Snowed In 3. IWC2U single 4. Hanson shirt 5. TT&TMON 6. 'Nother Hanson shirt 7. Magazines with Hanson on them 8. The Official Hanson book 9. any OTHER Hanson book u see... etc. etc. etc.! (Well... not QUITE that much Hanson!!)

15~ Do you have boxes full of tapes from their performances?? (YUPPERZ)

16~ Do you buy magazines if it has even a LITTLE Hanson in it?? (OH YEAH!!)

17~ Did you subscribe to MOE 2 times?? (nope not me!!)

18~ When you hear them on the radio do you flip even though you have the CD?? (and you KNOW I do that!!)

19~ Do you mistake Hanson for Gods?? (Now who could mistake Hanson for Hans... I mean Gods?? J/K I really DON'T HONEST!!!)

20~ Do you attempt to feed ur posters?? (ok.. now that is going too far!!!)

21~ Do you kiss ALL ur Hanson posters good-night... meaning u'd have to start kissin at around 12 noon?? (nope! Don't wanna get em slobbery)

22~ Do you have I LOVE HANSON (or Zac, or Tay, or Ike... etc etc!) tatooed on ANY part of ur body?? (the pain?? NO WAY!!!)

23~ Do you have Hanson scribble written ALL over ur books and notebooks?? (YUP!)

24~ When you are supposed to be taking notes in class do you write "NOTE: I love Hanson!"??? (Umm... actually i have~ HEY IT WAS BIOLOGY!!!)

25~ Is your life dream to meet Hanson?? (Well DUH!!! Of course it is!!!!!)

And #26~ a "bonus"!!! Did you read all of those??????? (nope I WROTE all of those!!!)

Do you have anymore that I should add?? e-mail thang Then MAIL ME!!! heheee!!


A list of Obsession things sent by a friend
