Awards My Site Has Won
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Awards My Site Has Won

I would like to thank everyone who has sent me an award for my homepage.
It means alot to me to know that you enjoy my site. Awards that I won over a year ago are being taken down to make room for my new awards. Thanks to anyone who thinks my homepage is worthy of an award :) I truly enjoy working on this hobby of mine, I just wish there was enough time to get it finished like I really want it to be done. My New Years Resolution is to redecorate this whole homepage and add some never seen before photos of friends & family and pets. I also want to give the place a whole new look with all new graphics. Trust me, I'll be worth the visit. Just give me a little time here, you all know how I procrastinate :)

I was The Homepsun Hearts Site of the Week for December 4, 2000! What an honor :) Thank you for all of your support and kind words.

~Midi playing is "Let The Good Times Roll" by The Cars~

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Heather's Country Cottage.


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