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Friends are treasured gifts

Welcome to the page I have dedicated to my friends, I have terrific friends. I wouldn't trade any of them for the world!

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I have alot of friends (lucky me) and I am not able to mention them all, but they know who they are and what they mean to me.

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First there is my best friend, Stephanie. Steph and I have been friends for 12 years now and she has been beside me through alot of good and bad times. She moved to Florida in 1998, (I'm in PA) and I miss her terribly. But, I know she is happier there with her family close by. This picture was taken in May 1998. Steph is the one of the left.

Stephanie & Heather

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One of my other great friends is Kelly. We have been friends for a little more than three years. She bought a house around the corner from me and the neighborhood hasn't been the same since. *LOL* Here is a picture of Kelly & I at a fun picnic/party she had in the summer of 1998. Also in this picture is my good friend, Lisa. (From left to right: Kelly, Heather, Lisa.)

Kelly, Heather & Lisa

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This next lady is not only my friend, but she is my fabulous mother. Her name is Mary Ellen, some people call her Mel. I just love her so much. She is always there for me and never asks for anything in return. She is my inspiration. I am inspired to be as kind and generous as she has been to me. I was not always the easiest daughter to get along with, but she has always stood by me. I would be lost without her.

Heather & Mom

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One of my newest friends that I met online is Alison. We met through the Homespun Hearts Country Webring and found out that we only live about 8 miles from each other! She is so sweet and loads of fun. She had this graphic made for the both of us and I want to display it proudly for everyone to see. Click on it to visit Ali's site called "Ali's Crafts For Kids."

Some of my wonderful friends who's pictures are not shown here:
Brenda, Karen, Clare, Mindy, Jackie, Theresa, Mary Ellen, Kim, Ellen, Candy, Elizabeth, Cherie, Darlene & Erin.

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I have had the great joy and pleasure of meeting some of the sweetest people on the Internet. Some of my Favorite Online Friends are: Amy Jo, Heather A., Alison, ShanaLeah, Tina, Becky, Dawn & Deanna. There are many more to meet and I am so looking forward to that. Thanks to all of my friends for being so special to me :)

~*~Midi playing is "You've Got A Friend" by James Taylor~*~

Special thanks to my friend, Kristy a.k.a. Artzy,
for the background and graphics on this page.

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