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Vast Energy USA

Rage In Reading

Zero Gravity 2002

Legacy Cup 2002

Xtreme Intentions

Big Impact

Lockdown In Pottstown

The Last Stampede

1st Year Anniversary



November 8, 2002

Venturing into this weekend has got me on the edge of my seat. So much to look forward to, so many things going on, it is insane. Everyone within the PWF office is going crazy with all the happenings, as this looks to be the "chance to impress" the fans with our talent, production, and foremost the quality of the show. I figured instead of hyping the show, since it has been hyped enough, I would just touch on a few things and feelings I have.

The PWF has had a great year, honestly, from a business aspect of things. Our shows have been very good recently like Legacy Cup, Lockdown in Pottstown, Big Impact and Xtreme Intentions. We are drawing decent crowds for a Sunday night and are always trying to step it up a little. Our videos are getting around more, including England, our shows are being shown in Japan on TV, and people are starting to talk. We talk all the time about the "Philly Wars," as we look at ourselves as the "Non-Factor" in the mix and we keep a safe distance from the ever-growing problems. I am up for the challenge of making people aware of what the PWF has to offer. I am extremely proud of the PWF, it hangs on my walls, I wear the clothes, and I smile when I am out and see the occasional PWF shirt. People are believing in what we are doing...."Old School."

I love the term "Old School," because I am the biggest fan of NWA/World Championship Wrestling on Saturday nights from Georgia and that is all I can think of when I hear the term. I can't seem to get enough of it, with the bitter fueds of the Horseman...the things they used to do were larger than life when you were a kid. I believed that Ric Flair had a private jet! They had me hook, line and sinker. When I see some of that transfer into our product, I feel like a kid again. Hey, it is great being "In the know," but I love just watching wrestling sometimes and enjoying it for what it is...entertainment. Rooting for the good guys and booing the bad guys and believe me, we have some guys I still I think that all who make the trip to Pottstown on Sunday will have a blast. We will show that the slogan " WHere Old School Meets The Extreme" has some meaning. Take care and I hope to see you all on Sunday.

-- Rob Dimension

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