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Pro Wrestling World  

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Vast Energy USA

Rage In Reading

Zero Gravity 2002

Legacy Cup 2002

Xtreme Intentions

Big Impact

Lockdown In Pottstown

The Last Stampede

1st Year Anniversary



If you've ever dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler, then do yourself and your dreams a favor by checking out the Cruel School of Professional Wrestling in Boyertown, PA. This top-notch facility contains a training area as well as a full-service gym, giving students a place to maintain the physique and conditioning needed to suceed. For directions, and how you can obtain a tryout, call 610-689-0909 today! *Applicants must be at least 17 years of age*

You can start training for only $300 down! Full tuiton to attend the Cruel School is $1500...the best value around. For a sneak peek of the facilities, here are a few pictures.

Visit the Cruel School on the Web at

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