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Step 4 : Meditation


Meditation is the main reason for doing the other steps before hand. Those are excersizes to get you ready for this.

Sit up, lie down or whatever. Just keep your spine straight, stay comfortable andtry not to move once you begin.

To start with deep breathing, you've got to breathe deep breaths that go into your stomach. Start counting as you breathe in. While you're doing this, you need to count to make your breathings right. First start breathing to counts of...

4 in, 4 hold, 8 out, 4 hold.

Repeat that at least six times or until you feel ready for the real stuff...

6 in, 6 hold, 12 out, 6 hold.

You should always breathe out twice as much as you breathed in. Your counting should be even and in rythym with the beat of your heart. Feel for the beat, at first, until you get it.

Let your thoughts focus only on your breathing. When you feel like your done, get up and stretch out. You have done basic yoga. Do all four of these steps whenever you want to.

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