Come in my Darlings...........
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Come in my Darlings...........

Welcome and Dark greetings to you all...

~~But first on earth as Vampire sent, Thy corpse shall from its tomb be rent: Then ghastly haunt thy native place, And suck the blood of all thy race~~


Vampires, for as long as I can remember I have been enchanted by them... Call them what you will....Vampire, Strigoi, Vamphyri, Vampyre, Nosferatu, Sucubi, "Children of the Night" Blood Suckers, UnDead, Kindred.....or perhaps Freaks.... they are still a powerful force in civilizations. Every culture has their own tales of a creature that needs the blood of a human being to survive. From the Greeks to the Egyptains... the Chinese..and the Native Indians.... And in present times it is a means of entertainment....movies, books, music....In the Victorian times when alot of people were sexually repressed, alot of fantasies were acted out in these kinds of stories.... Hell there was even a soap opera TheDark Shadows....

Is it the thought of everlasting life, never having to grow old, never having to die....could be.... Is it the thought of super human strength... The ability to control animals and even some men....could be... or is it the thought of ever lasting love....perhaps...

There is so much that I would like to share with you about the Children of the Night, and perhaps you will then know why I am infatuated with Vampirism..... Please sit back and enjoy.........

~~Check out some of the images used for Vampires on the Net~~

Come and visit the Libary. A section of recommended reading, movies and all kinds of stuff for all VAMPIRE LOVERS and horror/Sci-fi freaks.

and learn the terms that every Vampire and vampire lover should know

~~LadyJ~~ ~~the Libary~~ ~~Vamp Glossary~~
~~WebRings and Awards~~

Here are some of my Favorite places to visit on this information highway...

dark side of the net bringing you into the darkness since 1994 over 6400 working links!

Dracula's Castle

TTR Conferencing ....a great place to chat and meet friends ((FREE!!!))

My Clan of Choice

The Man, The Myth, The Legend!!!

This is a must see... delightfully devilish woman... a great site for all fans of the dark side (( thanks for all your help))

a wonderful site with a great gallery

~Some of the images at this site are from~


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~~or icq me @ 10818999~~


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