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Blackhawk High School Band

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Band Boosters

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Blackhawk Band Boosters

(This page was updated on October 2, 2003)


Sign-ups for an Anderson Candy Fundraiser is going on in the Bandroom area. Students can sell their choice of chocolate-covered pretzels, Oreos, etc.

The Band Boosters have a number of continuing fund raising activities. These include:
Market Day - monthly
Entertainment Books - current - presale - $20 per book - an outstanding 'buy' for local entertainment, dining, activities - contact a band student, Mrs. Heiman, or the band office (724-846-9600, x 228) for more information
Krispy Kreme doughnuts - by presale monthly w/extras available at Market Day and/or the Concession Stand at home football games
Hoagie/Cinnamon Bread sales - will start soon!!
Monthly Calendar Lottery Sales - will be sold every other month - first sale is for October - $2 per ticket for the entire month!! - contact any Band Booster for more info

Our Market Day Fund raising sales continues. Market Day Delivery is on Thursdays from 3 - 5 PM. Mrs. Neff and Pollock are Market Day Chairpersons. Contact Mrs. Neff or Pollock for order forms, information, or special delivery arrangements. Market Day may be ordered on-line at Market . You can also contact the Band Office for additional order forms. Blackhawk's Order code is #9228 for on-line orders. We always appreciate your support of our Band program.

In a related matter, Market Day is offering a special shopping program for our customers. Called SchoolShare, anyone who regularly buys on-line can help the Band when ordering from a list of on-line merchants. Instructions for the program are available at and also at Blackhawk's Instructions for SchoolShare . Remember, our Order Number is 9228 . Check out the site and if you order on-line, help the Band. Thanks!!

The Blackhawk Band Boosters hold their montly meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month (except for December, June, & July) in the BHS Band Room.  Meetings start at 7:30 PM (NOTE THE CHANGE IN TIME!). Everyone is welcome to attend.

Band Booster By-Laws

Band Booster Newsletters - newsletters for 2003/2004 are posted!

2003/2004 Blackhawk Band Booster Officers
Mr. Glenn Wagoner - President
Mrs. Pat Pollock - Vice President
Mrs. Patty Gwin - Secretary
Mrs. Janice Wagoner - Treasurer
Mrs. Colleen Heiman - Parliamentarian
Mrs. Dona Householder - Financial Secretary
Committee Chairperson(s) - to be posted
Ways & Means - Mr. Johnston
Publicity -
Membership -
Telephone - Mrs. Huber
Festival/Competition - Mrs. Zilka
Halftime Refreshments -
Banquet - Mrs. Heiman
Market Day - Mrs. Neff & Pollock
Nut Sale - Mrs. Householer
Craft Show - Mrs. Gwin
Band Trailer -
Spirit Committee - Mrs. Dorenkott & Smith
Chaperone Chairperson - Mrs. Pollock
Band Stand/Kitchen -

Eileen Priddy - President
Pat Pollock - Vice President
Pam Veiock - Secretary
Janice Wagoner - Treasurer
Jay Hunt - Parliamentarian
Dona Householder - Financial Secretary
Eilleen Priddy - President
Dave Wallace - Vice President
Pam Veiock - Secretary
Mallie Clonch - Treasurer
Jay Hunt - Parliamentarian
Pat Kelley - Financial Secretary
Ron Farioli - President
Dave Wallace - Vice President
Carol Carney - Secretary
Mallie Clonch - Treasurer
Duane Stewart - Parliamentarian
Bev Wallace - Financial Secretary
Ron Farioli - President
Denise Zilka - Vice President
Carol Carney - Secretary
Mallie Clonch - Treasurer
Bobbie Jobe - Financial Secretary
Ron Farioli - President
Denise Zilka - Vice President
Colleen Heiman - Secretary
Mallie Clonch - Treasurer
Leslie Rae - President
Ron Farioli - Vice President
Annamarie Smith - Secretary
Beth Laderer - Treasurer